Well-Known Member
Summer is approaching for those of us in theNorthern Hemisphere, and with it comes hazards for ourrabbits. One of the most obvious is heat. Rabbitsdo not tolerate heat very well, and can be uncomfortable intemperatures over 80 F. Temps over 90 F can cause heat stressor heat stroke, which can be fatal. There are lots of thingsyou can do to keep your rabbits comfortable. Shade, icebottles, fans (not blowing directly on the rabbit), water bowls, andmisting the rabbit's ears are some of the more commonsolutions. Also, do not move the rabbit into an area with adrastic temperature difference. Moving an overheated rabbitfrom a hot 95 F room to a 70 F air conditioned room could send it intoshock. Try to make temperature changes more slowly.
This is an excellant thread with lots of ideas and info on how to cool a rabbit and recognize heat stroke:
Cooling a Rabbit
As the temperatures rise, parasites such as fleas and flies become moreactive. Both outdoor and indoor rabbits can be exposed toparasites, so it's best to know how to prevent them and how to treatthem. Check out these Rabbit Health References threads:
Bot Flies (Warbles)
Fly Strike
If you live in an area where myxomatosis is frequent, be aware that itis spread by biting insects like fleas and mosquitos. Treatfor fleas on a regular basis. If your rabbits live outside,consider putting insect screens on the wire areas of their hutches andruns.
Make sure your rabbits are vaccinated for both myxi and vhd if thevaccinations are available where you live. There have beenseveral outbreaks of myxi in the UK this spring and last fall, and somevets are recommending that the myxi vaccination be given every sixmonths instead of once a year.
This is an excellant thread with lots of ideas and info on how to cool a rabbit and recognize heat stroke:
Cooling a Rabbit
As the temperatures rise, parasites such as fleas and flies become moreactive. Both outdoor and indoor rabbits can be exposed toparasites, so it's best to know how to prevent them and how to treatthem. Check out these Rabbit Health References threads:
Bot Flies (Warbles)
Fly Strike
If you live in an area where myxomatosis is frequent, be aware that itis spread by biting insects like fleas and mosquitos. Treatfor fleas on a regular basis. If your rabbits live outside,consider putting insect screens on the wire areas of their hutches andruns.
Make sure your rabbits are vaccinated for both myxi and vhd if thevaccinations are available where you live. There have beenseveral outbreaks of myxi in the UK this spring and last fall, and somevets are recommending that the myxi vaccination be given every sixmonths instead of once a year.