Summer Ears

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Ontario, Canada
Ok well I have been pondering. When breeding Netherland Dwarves, is it better to wait until fall, winter and early spring?

I heard breeding in the summer can cause Netherlands to get longer ears, is this true?

We are just starting with out Netherlands so I think it is best to ask as many questions as possible! :p

For breeding Netherlands it's best to wait for winter breeding. You could breed them in the fall so that they're due in early winter.

Yes it's true, the heat will cause their ears to get longer. ;)

My take on the general term "summer ears" is that it's mainly a breeder's excuse for bad ears. ;) Because it has been twisted and misunderstood over the years.

The ears on a rabbit is determined by genetics. A rabbit will not have significantly longer ears if it is born in the summer, or significantly shorter ears if it is born in the winter.

However, rabbits regulate their body temperature through their ears. So kits born in the summer tend to grow their ears faster, so that they have more surface area to regulate temps. This does not affect the ultimate, mature size of the ears. But the ears may look longer until the animal matures and the body catches up in growth to balance with the ears. Whereas, a kit born in the winter will not need the same surface area to the ear as quickly, so their ears tend to follow a more balanced, usual growth.

Does that make sense? A rabbit who is genetically programmed to have huge donkey ears will have them as an adult, regardless of the season they're born in. So don't let people fool you with the excuse of "summer ears". But it IS a legitimate, real term used to describe the rate of growth of the ears. :)
:yeahthat: EXACTLY! (Well said!) Otherwise, how could anyone breed Mini Rex or Nethie in a warm climate? And there are lots lots of successful breeders "down south" with proper tiny ears!
I would agree, it does seem to be a bit of an old wives tale. However I have to say some of my neatest ears do come off winter breedings LOL. I also know a lot of people over here that just don't breed their nethies through the summer because of that tale :p

You will always get some in the litter that are just genetically neater than others
Shame I can't really use this as an excuse for why my summer nethies have huge ears, long noses, long bodies and generally look nothing like nethies. It COULD have been a plausible excuse :p
LOL Flashy! :p

Just wanted to point out that I've actually had a better record keeping Holland babies born to me over the summer months than the winter months. So just a backup fact...but I've never had any mature with significantly longer ears based on season. :)
Wow that does make sense OakRidge! I never thought of the breeders down south, its always pretty toasty down there.

We still breed our Mini Rex in the fall and winter, mostly because of fairs and all, but also to just make sure the ear thing is correct.
my hollands best produce in spring and fall, notta in the winter or summer, but my dutch will have them year round. I'm trying my first summer breeding of mini rex right now, but she won't hold kits if it's cold either. hmm though i've never noticed a difference between ear lengths in any of the mini rex litters or the dutch litters that i've had in the past.

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