Sudden Death Question

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New Member
Feb 26, 2011
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Bristow, Virginia, USA
We found our 2yo minirex dead this morning in the hutch. No sign of attack or illness. He was stiff. His brother seems find, albeit very spooked.

We're going to wait a few weeks just to be certain there's not some disease that we're not aware of.

The question is - Pedey (the survivor) has never been alone. He's neutered. Is it safe to get a second rabbit to keep him company? Ironically - he's the big fat lazy one. The one that died was the more aggressive of the two. But he is male...
He could have had a hairball, or many other things could have been wrong. Rabbits are really good about hiding discomfort and pain. I hope that you find out what caused this death. He was so young, and I am sorry for your loss.

I would wait a little bit before getting another rabbit just in case there was anything that did cause this death. When you get another rabbit, may I suggest getting a spayed female.

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