I just received my precious little Kiki five weeks ago. She was litterbox trained, save the few pellets she leaves around her cage. I was told that this is a normal thing for rabbits to do by the old owner but have read contry.Her cage is a large dog kennel that she came in, so there is plenty of room for her to jump around. Suddenly a few days ago, her litter habits shifted. I was out of the room longer than usual, actually a couple of hours. She has a really large pen I wrap around her cage so she can be contained. I didn't think anything of it, being that she's alway out for abou that long. I come back to find that she had dropped pellets all over the floor. She then repeated the action today and yesterday. The most she ever dropped was maybe one or two, previously and every time she did I would reduce the size of her pen, in case too much space was the cause. I have a tarp that runs the length of the cage, tucked under and around to keep the mess to a minimum. After this last time, I got frustrated and lifted her kennel to pull out the tarp so she'd have a safe space to scat. Well, mindlessly, I forgot she was in there when I did. It was only after I realized that I had been cruel. I couldn't hear her so I kinda entered the cage to make sure she was alright. Then she jumped onto her shelf and began thumping. Just about every thirty seconds. So I immediately pulled a sheet over her cage, turned off the lights and left the room. It's been an hour and now I'm back in the room and I just heard her thump. I sleep right next to her and the cage is too big to move. What can I do to calm her down? I know how dangerous thumping on this scale is. As for the rest of the litter box stuff. I cleaned both it and the whole cage and again she pooped all over. Did I mention that she already has hay in her box? What should I do tomorrow. Will she stay scared(she'd 8mos and super sassy adventurer most the time, not timid usually) of me well into tomorrow? If that's the case how do I let her out for exercise or to clean her litter. I heard shifts like this can indicate illness, is it worth going to the vet. I'm in school and pretty broke so something like that takes a lot out of my pocket.