such an awful day at rescue :(

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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, , USA
omg what a aweful day!! i got the 10rescues in today. i was sooo lied to! three of themcame from a shelter, those three are in good health. Theywere transported here along with 7 rabbits that were owned by a ladywho worked at this shelter or so i was told. storyhas changed 3 times on the 7 but not enough room to type all the stuffive been told.... anyways.....

they came in around 1030am. around 130 pm i go out to checkon them all. 4 are sneezing and hacking and one has tons of white snotrunning out of his nose!! talk about very frantic and tickedoff!!! now all the rabbits have been exposed to each otherand any illnesses!

so i call the lady who brought them here. got a hold of herdad who had helped to transport. he was totally upset and didnot realize anything was wrong with them(i do believe thedad) i told him i had put an emergency call intothe vet clinic and was taking them in today to be checked. iwas totally fearing it was pasturella!! you would understand why daddidnt think anything was wrong if i went into the whole storyugggh but anyways, he told me to let him know thevets name and phone so he could call and post his credit card up tohelp pay the bill. so i take one rabbit in, a little dutchthat was in the worst condition. his face and paws mind you are cakedin snot!!! even worse not one rabbit showed any signs of snot, sneezing or hacking when they arrived.

so i get to the vet tell him the whole long story on these poorbuns. he takes the dutch back to exam. he comesbacks and tells me its not pasturella but due to so muchstress! they were moved around yesterday from one place toanother and then first thing all loaded up and driven 3.5 hours to gethere. loads of stress in the last 24 plus hours onthem.

so he tells me he wants me to treat is as pasturella to be on the safeside, but he does not think it is actually pasturella. so hefirst offer baytril to do as injections... great makes iteasier only problem is the vial of baytril is over 300bux!!!! at least enough baytril to treat 10 rabbits for 2weeks time... sooo i told him thats to much as im not paying the bill,so i told him to give me pills, those were only 56 i have to crush them up slip em in some treats or syringe and makethe buns eat them for the next 2 weeks. boy let me tell youits no picnic! trust me you dont want to try to force feedmeds to a bunny that is totally ticked off and stressed.

so out of the 10 we have 3 in great condition, 2 in pretty goodcondition could use a good bath and brushing, and 5 in horriblecondition, there so skinny its like skin and bones no meat to em, hairmissing as it just falls out if you touch them and they are soaked inurine and poo as they were transported with out a dang thing in thecrates, no hay , no towels absolutly nothing :mad: but heythey were nice enough to bring me pellets and hay that the shelter hadtold them to bring along. and around 20 bags of crap treatsthat i wouldnt feed my kids. but i guess its the thought thatcounts right??!!

im just soooo ticked right now and sooo freaking tired and stressedout. im gonna bust butt to take the best of care of thesebuns and do what i can and pray that everything turns out ok and thatthey get better and healthier!!

omg gypsy i think this is one of those cases you have warned me about!!!

i have pictures posted on my website of each of them, there pictureslook so much better than what there actual conditions are. iwas able to give aiden a bath tonite and clip his nails, but im gonnahave to work on 9 more baths tomorrow and nail trims. butthen again i dont want to stress them out more than what they alreadyare. but then again who wants to sit all soaked in piss and crap!!!:mad:

ugghhh sorry so long i just really needed to vent.....
Wow, you definitely have my sympathy. I'm notinvolved in rabbit rescue (yet), but I know how frustrating anddishearteningdog/cat rescue can be. I really hope theserabbits pull through okay.

I also have a question. I'm not very familiar with rabbit illnesses, and I was wondering, what is pasturella?
Im glad they are gonna be ok. And Im glad youcalled me about it. :) That baytril is expensive. I only pay like $1something a pill from my vet. But then again i dont have ten or so totreat.

*Thumps* the people that dumped them on you like that.
Kim : Im me when you get a chance ,

what I have to sayisnt tastefull nor fit for thesocial people in this forum .
Kim, I do sympathize withyou. Almost the same thing happened to me last year when Igot 8 from one family. They brought me theirhutches....jeez!!! when I opened the doors, I thought that Iwas going to pass out from the stench. Poor Dominique livedin this filth for 7 years.

They transported the rabbits in cages. Mind you, these peopleonly lived a half hour away. They put the rabbits, in thecages, without any litter or bedding. They attached theirwater bottles and gave them "junk food". By the time theyloaded the hutches on the truck, the rabbits had already pooped& peed all over themselves. By the time they gothere, they were covered with poop, pee, and food that had turned tomush because, to add to their misery, the water bottles leaked.

They, too, were in bad condition. They were thin and theircoats were dry and lacked luster. Two of them areRex's...their fur was actually brittle.

Before I could settle them in, I had to scrub their hutches and batheall the buns. It was a horrible day! Fortunately, Ionly got a few sniffles out of them which didn't becomeworse. By the third day, all the buns had settled in quitenicely. Clean surroundings and a good diet broughtout the beauty of their coats & personalities.

Six of them are over 5 years, hard to find homesfor. I'm not sorry that I agreed to take them. Theyare now all litter trained...except for Dominique (some "old dogs"don't learn new tricks!).

These people didn't realize that what they were feeding them was "junk food".
They did pay for all their vet bills.

What can I say....this is what we do. We curse, we gripe, wecry, we work our "fingers to the bone", and are cleaning out cages& feeding buns when everyone else is getting a good nightssleep. We are always broke but, can scrounge out the moneynecessary for hay & feed!

Through all this, we can smile because....well, the Binkies say it all!!!

gypsy wrote:
Kim: Im me when you geta chance ,

what I have to sayisnt tastefull nor fit for thesocial people in this forum .
i left you a pm and my phone ill try and call again abit later also!! ill keep my phone on me all day !
brimmhere wrote:
so i have to crush them up slip em in some treats or syringeand make the buns eat them for the next 2 weeks. boy let metell you its no picnic! trust me you dont want to try toforce feed meds to a bunny that is totally ticked off and stressed.

First I'd like to say that I give you A LOT of credit for what you're doing. Bless you!!!

You might try using a pill-popper for those meds. I've never used one for the bunnies, but we used one for the cat.

I have just rang off with Brimmhere ,

This is a sad day in her rescue ,

After consulting with herRegular Vet , and due tothe severity of the PaturellaVirus, which has been going ona very long time ,with no apparent treatment forthe virus , All 7 Rabbits willbe put down tonight ,The Virus has weakened them tothe point of emancipation, their furis falling out and breaking offin clumps , Absesses toodeep to be healed ,These poor Rabbits have lived alife of sheer hell , and to think thiswoman worked for * Save A Pet** . WhenBrimmhere contacted the Director he assuredher that only 3 from thier shelter weresupposed to go not 10 Thiswomans future in Save A Pet is over , shewill be fired immediately ,The Director has also assuredBrimmhere that the shelter willreimburse and help withMedications for all 3 of the initalRabbits they were sending .

To say Brimmhere hasgotten caught up in a cluster flopis not even close tocovering what she is goingthru and has yet togo thru , The Poor Girlis beside herself . Im not sureif Brimm will be back on lateror later tonight thepoor child is a wreak over thisand worried sick aboout the other animalsin her care . I will try andkeep all updated asthe day and evening goeson if she doesnt makeit back on tonight .

Thank You everyone for allyour kind words andencouragement for Brimm earlierit means a lot to her .
Mambo : roller coaster ride onlyhalf covers it , whats reallyhard is the emotions involvedwith figuring out what is theright thing to do , to euthinizeor to not , heart says onething the mind screams differently , oncethe heart and brain start toargue the stomach sayssomething totally different , so not only areyou sick at mind sick at heartbut physically sick as well ,its not a good life by nomeans but its something onecannot turn away from either . IKin running rescue to beingthe same as I wouldIF they were all my animals, they are taken careof the same , they are lovedthe same and they areMourned the same . I know alsoanyone in rescue will agreewith what I have justwritten most have been there atone point in time or another ,Its the very firstHard Case that is thehardest but trust me when Isay the next 10,000 will neverbe any easier .
Gypsy, thank youfor the update.

My heart goes out to you. You did all you could for these poorbunnies. I sat here and just cried for you. I am going to be prayingfor you and all the bunnies in your care. How truly awful. Try and takeheart that those rabbits knew love and kindness and you. They had itbetter for that short time they were with you than ever in their lives.

Buck is now looking over these little angels.

Brimmhere .. you are doing the right thing. Itis not your fault the rabbits were kept in the condition they were andit was certainly not fair to have them dumped on you. You are making adifficult desicion, but at the end of the day the rightone.Being in the rescue field is commendableandhaving thephysical and emotional control tomakedecisions such as a this is admirable! Atyourrockiest point in this just remeber why you are doingthis in the first place, thing of the good things like those babiesthat Brownie had .. you can't look at Mountain Dew (who is my favoritebtw) and not smile thinking about how you are giving him/her a verygood home togo to where they would be shown the same amt. ofloving a caring you devote to these buns!

Feel better!

Oh how awful....I'm so sorry.....thats justhorrible what that lady did to you!!! words todescribe it ......:(:(

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