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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
Reaction score
Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA
I was going to try them in the hallway (part ofMocha's territory) first, but Mocha wasn't in agreement. Sheran into the bunny room while Loki was out when I was putting a cleanlitterbox in the hall way. I grabbed the squirt gun andwaited for Loki's punishment to start as he approached hercage. I waited... and waited... and put down the squirtgun.:D They've been out together in the bunny room and therest of their territory twice now with even less nipping from Loki thanin my bedroom. They even let each other explorecages!

Mocha was having a field day in Loki's cage as soon as she noticed thedoor was open. She played in there most of the time, chewinghis toys and pooping everywhere. I should have gotten pics,but I was still waiting for Mr. Grump to be mean. Lokidecided to investigate her cage this morning, and did the same thingback to her plus he peed in her food bowl. Naughty boy!

Here are some pics from this morning:

How does she live like this???


Whoa! Check out all this space!


She chews on my wicker toy, I'll chew on hers! Mmm, tasty!


If I sneak in, he'll never notice me chewing on his toys! (Not like he cared, anyway.)


Hi Naturestee! :wave:

What a great storyteller you are! :)

Look at those babies! I'm sorry, I can't remember who's who, but your little brown one looks just like Tucker. :inlove:

The Dutch rabbit is one that Buck always loved. That was his favoritebreed, I believe. He loved their personalities. Will be curious to findout who's who. I'm sorry I don't already know. :?

I've been dreaming of getting to the point where I can let all mine runfree together. I have a Holland and a Polish, Tucker's the Polish - andhe was here long before the Holland came, and then I got a Flemish.He's fine with my Holland (Fauna), but he just hates my Flemish(Cali). I think of letting them out, but I'm seriously afraid thathe'll charge her and bite her. She's scared to death of him.

Stephanie definitely knows what she's talking about. If she says itlooks good, you can count on it. She amazed Buck in how she was able tobond 2 males and a female. I believe in the years he was into bunnies,she was the only one he knew that did that with success.


I wish the new twosome much love and grooming together.

Hi Carolyn! The little one is my firstbunny, Mocha (recently found out from Pam that she is a chocolatePolish). Loki is the dutch. I'm not surprised thatyou're not familiar with him. Loki came home from the shelterthe day after Buck died.

Mocha was extremely territorial when I brought Loki home. Shewould attack him through the bars of his cage while she wasout. They attacked each other in the bathtub during bondingsessions- they needed room to get away from each other. Jamestried letting them both out in the bunny room and they were okay untilLoki got close to Mocha's cage. Let's just say that my hubbyhad to rescue Loki very, very quickly. Then we tried puttingthem both in my bedroom. Mocha used to play in it as a babybut was banned from it as a teenager. It's still her favoriteplace. After a session of squabbling, they set down to workout their differences. THAT took a couple of weeks.Mocha fell in love with Loki, but Loki didn't want anything to do withher until earlier this week. It's like a light clicked on inhis head that he actually liked her, and he started returning heraffection.

After working with these two terrors (Loki used to nip all the time) Ithink you might be able to bond yours. It just takes a lot oftime and trial and error.

I don't think I've ever seen pictures of Tucker, just Cali andFauna. Could you post somepleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaassssse?:D
naturestee wrote:
Hi Carolyn! The little one is my first bunny,Mocha (recently found out from Pam that she is a chocolatePolish).
hehe Mocha is a girl Tucker!!


They look great together and like things are going to go very wellbetween them!! I hope you have continued success with them gettingalong :)

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