Well-Known Member
Last night wasand unprecedentedexperience for Dave and I. Not only did we clip Abby's nails with noproblems, but we were also able to do Chompers and Valuran as well.Seriously, this is the first time that we've been able to do all fourpaws on all three of them without a major struggle.
Dave held them down on the table while I did the clipping, as I haveexperience with that and he doesn't dare to do it. I'm not going toclaim that the rabbits were very happy with us, but whatever.
Valuran was the funniest, he was standing on tippy-paw, front and backfeet and that bun is pretty solid so it was difficult to hold him down,but after a bit he settled and let me do my thing. It was very funny, Iwould have taken a picture of it but didn't want him any more stressedthan need be.
Dave held them down on the table while I did the clipping, as I haveexperience with that and he doesn't dare to do it. I'm not going toclaim that the rabbits were very happy with us, but whatever.
Valuran was the funniest, he was standing on tippy-paw, front and backfeet and that bun is pretty solid so it was difficult to hold him down,but after a bit he settled and let me do my thing. It was very funny, Iwould have taken a picture of it but didn't want him any more stressedthan need be.