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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2004
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Last night wasand unprecedentedexperience for Dave and I. Not only did we clip Abby's nails with noproblems, but we were also able to do Chompers and Valuran as well.Seriously, this is the first time that we've been able to do all fourpaws on all three of them without a major struggle.

Dave held them down on the table while I did the clipping, as I haveexperience with that and he doesn't dare to do it. I'm not going toclaim that the rabbits were very happy with us, but whatever.

Valuran was the funniest, he was standing on tippy-paw, front and backfeet and that bun is pretty solid so it was difficult to hold him down,but after a bit he settled and let me do my thing. It was very funny, Iwould have taken a picture of it but didn't want him any more stressedthan need be.
Happiness!! I can't get anyone to helpme clip my babies nails....I have lots of nails that need clipped at myhouse....maybe a job for later today.
Good job! Clipping nails is always a treat with my Iszy.
AnnaS wrote:
wow,congrads. My husband is always scared to hold the bunny while I clipbunnys' nails.
If afraid of being bitten or scratched, a nice, substantial pair ofleather gaunlet welding gloves will prevent that from happening and hecan hold the bun(s) 'till the cows come home without fear. LOL

I showed Dave how to hold them firmly, but nottoo tight. You should have seen his shirt by the time we were done.COVERED in rabbit fur. He was wearing a black t-shirt too. heheheheh

He held them firmly on their shoulders, almost leaning on them. I kepton talking soothingly to them, and a raisin after each paw. It took afew minutes with each rabbit, just to let them get used to the feel ofthe table and relaxa bit.

Valuran was so funny though, how he was standing so high up like that.Really wish I had got a picture, with those skinny little legs of his.
Buck Jones wrote:
AnnaS wrote:
wow, congrads. Myhusband is always scared to hold the bunny while I clip bunnys'nails.
If afraid of being bitten or scratched, a nice, substantial pair ofleather gaunlet welding gloves will prevent that from happening and hecan hold the bun(s) 'till the cows come home without fear. LOL


I don't he is afraid to get bitten(I am guessing he is not). I ask himto hold a bunny with his left hand under bunny's legs and with hisright hand on bunnies tummy. He is afraid to hold the bunny too firmwith his right hand, so Chernish is hiding behind my husband's hand andits hard for me to get his paws out.
Dave was afraid of hurting the rabbits too. Thishas been a long time coming, I admit that we're not exactly good aboutdoing their nails like we should because it has been so difficult inthe past.

I think last night helped both him and I see that it can be done, it'sjust not as easy as doing the cat, who will lay on his back purringwhile I trim his claws down. We are going to do it again next Sunday,to do that slow trim down thing. All of their claws are dark so I can'tsee the quick.
I know my Valuran was a perfect little angel. :D

Glad you got that job done. I need to do Bo's front ones again :(

I thought of using a towel, but both Abby and Valuran associate beingswaddled with having meds forced down their throats, so they really,really don't like it.

I actually thought of you last night when I was doing Veyvey's nails,Bo, as I remember you saying you have to do a little at a time withyour bunny too.

Too bad Master Nail Clipper Buck wasn't there! lol

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