Stupid water bottle question

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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2004
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Right now in the cage he is in, IhaveFonzie's water botter at a level he has to turn his neckand lower his head a bit to sip the nozzle. If I move it a notch, hehas to raise his neck a bit to sip the nozzle. I'm trying to figure outwhich would be better for him. He still seems to get the water OK bothways, but I'm wondering which is better for him. I hope this questionmakes sense.:shock:
Makes perfect Sense Mambo. I had the sameproblem with Apollo. I moved it up. He had to stretch a bit to get itbut before you knowit Fonzie will be turning his head againand it will be time to raise it agan lol.

Hiya mambo!

Not stupid at all!

I try to put the bottles at a level that is the same as their mouth when the bun is sitting.

However 2 of the buns go through such gyrations when they drink. Nomatter how I position the bottles, it always looks like they are almostturning their heads upside-down when they drink.

I'm guessing that it's another one of those bunnie things!

Greetings Mambo!

Had that situation with Ernestine when she first came tovisit. We think the bottle was too low for her because shewouldn't really drink from it. Moved it up, and she tooktoit immediately.

She and my others seem to prefer it to be up a bit rather than low.

I agree with the preference to put it higher, rather than lower once you know for certain he's comfortable with using it.

dajeti2 wrote:
...but before you knowit Fonzie will beturning his head again and it will be time to raise it agan lol.


Ain'tTHAT The Truth,Tina!!

Carolyn wrote:
Greetings Mambo!

Had that situation with Ernestine when she first came tovisit. We think the bottle was too low for her because shewouldn't really drink from it. Moved it up, and she tooktoit immediately.

She and my others seem to prefer it to be up a bit rather than low.

Is Ernestine still with you or did Buck and the Missus get back from CA?
Ernestine is still with me, JimD. :)

* * * * * * * *

Glad to hear it, Mambo101. I bet Fonzie will appreciate it.


All, of mine have theirs raised... At first I wasworried they would breath the water but they love it and won't drinkout of it lower. I have had to raise it 3 times since I owned Leo.