Stupid advice from all sides...

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
As ya'll know, I am doing the breeding thing.

All 3 of my girls are NOW very vocal and grouchy when put back in with the buck..

As in they sound like very angry weenie dogs. AND they are nipping and biting the buck to the point the buck is cowering.

Yeah a couple of times I did see the buck fall over, but to be honest, I have so many other buns I have to feed, I did not watch the entire time.

One doe, I just picked her up to LOOK at her, and she went ballistic.. so I put her down.

Previously all the does except one were all good to go. The one exception was my uppity doe who acts like a pain in the rear no matter what.

So the only solid advice I have gotten from here is from Blue Giants.. and the stupid advice I have gotten is from locals saying *If you didn't see it, you can't be sure, so stick em in again*

I have read that rabbits can get pregnant twice, at the same time.

So I guess my big question is, does formerly receptive does who have now turned into growling biting lunatics usually mean I can stop harrassing them? I was all set to leave em be, but then the Evil Rabbit Overlord, Eddie called, and told me I was stupid for not doing it numerous times to INSURE the deed was done.

I don't want to stress my buns.. or do something that may cause them harm..

I think I shall make my fortune inventing the rabbit EPT test.



Since this is regarding breeding, I'm moving this to the Rabbitry and Show Room part of the forum, you'll get great answers there(here);).

I'm sorry the does are being so moody though:?.

i would take it as either a) they are bred, b) they are stressed from attempts at breeding, or c) false prego

when i bred, 90% of the does that became agressive when attempting another visit to the bucks cage were infact bred, fallowed by about 8% false pregos, and about 2% just grumpy does

i never had it happen to me were a doe concieved in both "horns", but i have breeder friends that it happened to, and that fact alone made me carefull about breed backs.

i would play it save and wait it out, give them a chance to have babies before making them deal with those smelly bucks again:D
I'm no expert by any means, i have only had 3 litters, but all 3 times when they would not accept the male, they were pregnant. I tried re-breeding because i wanted to increase litter sizes, to make the babies smaller and so an easier birth, but i did it that day and they would not accept him, so i never tried again. If they are pregnant, the does may be getting stressed but putting them with the buck, so i wouldn't chance it, in case it causes miscarriage, although in doubt it will, but i treat them with kid gloves lol
There's one way to find out, wait 11 days and palp them. I would not

put them back with a buck until you are sure that they are not bred.

They could injure your buck or intimidate him enough that he would not

breed again. Most of my does get grumpy in the first stages of their

pregnancy when their hormones are kicking in. Some even go off their feed

for a day or two.

Good Luck

Excuse me...apparently I need to clarify myself, even though I am pretty sure it says *THE ONLY STUPID ADVICE I GOT WAS FROM LOCALS*..not people here...

again... the only stupid advice I got was from locals...

Sorry if that sounds grumpy...

I got some hatemail this morning for even being a breeder in the first place...

Oh, Zin, I'm sorry.

Everyone - That was me who wondered about the title ....... I was stupid and didn't read the whole thing carefully.

I just couldn't imagine you meant people here of course! and didn't want the title to mislead anyone.

Just smack me up side the head if you like!!! :foreheadsmack:I'm sorry I added to something negative for you.

I certainly hope we aren't having people give you problems about breeding. This board is not anti-breeder.

The only thing we require is photos of the babies..... that's mandatory if you want to discuss them here........

ok - that's a lie but I really like them!!! :biggrin2:

Zin generally my does behave like yours are when they have been caught. Sometimes they can have a false pregnancy and behave like they are pregnant but i tend to leave them the 31 days to see cause mine are small breeds and sometimes they may only have 1 so i always think better safe than sorry.

You will also find that they behave different with you I certainly have a few who i know they are pregnant by the way they behave towards me when i am feeding etc.

I hope they have caught for you. it sounds like they have:)
Ok lemmie clarify.. BO- DON'T APOLOGIZE..I was a tad testy over the hatemail I got here this morning, so it really transmogrified into my *clarification statement* I posted.

I love Bo.. and I would NEVER be ugly to her, and I did not even take her suggestion that I clarify as anything but a gentle friendly suggestion..

But.. I may add... I have learned a couple of things about a person or too here.

Yes I was mad about the email, now my feelings are just deeply hurt.

I will get over it.

Again.. Bo... I luvs ya man...



Unfortunately, I know what you mean about the nasty messages. Fortunately, it's just a few people who can't seem to get off their high horses :p I admit I was curious about the title but I figured to read before jumping to conclusions and it all made sense once I read. Lol.

The others should find themselves a hobby and learn to chill :p Hugs to you :biggrin2: I hope to find out if you are expecting litters :biggrin2:
I think the holiday stress made everyone a bit high strung. You can cut all the tension with a butterknife. Hope all is well Zin and Bo :)

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