I appear to have a rabbit with a cold... Bubbles is a ~17 week old female Flemish Giant (intact, the rescue we adopted her from is arranging for the spaying procedure), weighing around 7lbs. She started sneezing semi-frequently late yesterday morning, and early this afternoon she presented a runny nose with opaque white discharge. Her eyes are clean (no discharge), and behavior-wise, she seems fine (eating, drinking, and defecating normally, playing bunny run-and-jump games), although when her nose is stuffy, she's also a lot more tolerant of prolonged handling than normal (she's a rather squirmy/aloof rabbit).
I say "when" her nose is stuffy because her symptoms come and go... yesterday evening, this morning, and right now, she seems fine - no discharge, no breath sounds - but around 2:30pm she kept having to wake up and sneeze the snot away when she was trying to nap. If it weren't for the white discharge, my first guess would be an allergy (especially since she is prone to dust-related dry sneezes), but I'm concerned that it could be a bacterial infection. I kind of want to bring her in for a check-up and a culture & sensitivity test on the discharge... what do you recommend?
Also, I have another rabbit, Squirt (Bubbles' littermate)... will he be alright living in the same area as her? Because I currently don't know that I have enough bunny-proofed room to completely separate the two...
I've just sent off an email to an HRS-recommended veterinarian in Madison (this post is actually a copy + paste of the email), as well as the rescue we adopted our bunnykids from, but I was just wondering if you guys might have some advice...
Thank you!
I appear to have a rabbit with a cold... Bubbles is a ~17 week old female Flemish Giant (intact, the rescue we adopted her from is arranging for the spaying procedure), weighing around 7lbs. She started sneezing semi-frequently late yesterday morning, and early this afternoon she presented a runny nose with opaque white discharge. Her eyes are clean (no discharge), and behavior-wise, she seems fine (eating, drinking, and defecating normally, playing bunny run-and-jump games), although when her nose is stuffy, she's also a lot more tolerant of prolonged handling than normal (she's a rather squirmy/aloof rabbit).
I say "when" her nose is stuffy because her symptoms come and go... yesterday evening, this morning, and right now, she seems fine - no discharge, no breath sounds - but around 2:30pm she kept having to wake up and sneeze the snot away when she was trying to nap. If it weren't for the white discharge, my first guess would be an allergy (especially since she is prone to dust-related dry sneezes), but I'm concerned that it could be a bacterial infection. I kind of want to bring her in for a check-up and a culture & sensitivity test on the discharge... what do you recommend?
Also, I have another rabbit, Squirt (Bubbles' littermate)... will he be alright living in the same area as her? Because I currently don't know that I have enough bunny-proofed room to completely separate the two...
I've just sent off an email to an HRS-recommended veterinarian in Madison (this post is actually a copy + paste of the email), as well as the rescue we adopted our bunnykids from, but I was just wondering if you guys might have some advice...
Thank you!