Stuffed toy buddy question

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
So, I thought that Flower might like to have a stuffed animal friend, but I want to make sure that her little pal is something (er...I mean someONE) that she can safely hang out with (as far as chewing, etc.).

So, here are a few questions:

- Do you guys give your bunnies their stuffed animal friends all day and night, or only at certain times so you can supervise if they're chewing them up, etc.?

- Does the buddy have to be made of certain materials, in case they decide to chew it?

- My daughter was sweet enough to lend her one of her puppy stuffed animals, and she's been bathing him and laying next to him, and has been doing all sorts of binkies in response to having him around. It's so cute! I just worry...if she decides to bond a bit with this puppy, will it bother her if I bought another as a more permanent friend?

So, tell me your experiences. She would obviously love to have a stuffed friend, but I want to make sure that friend is safe for her. :)

Thanks, guys! :)
It depends on how much your bunny chews.

For certain, follow the same rules as a baby toy. No hard plastic noses or eyes. Dangly things like sequins or beads are also not good.
I would gets something that's made for children or pets in that is can be thrown in the wash easily. I would stick with natual fibres, since I think those are less likely to cause problems if ingested than non-natural ones.

With Zorro, he doesn't eat anything. I gave his this little lamb that he keeps in his cage all the time. He bats it with his paws, tosses it around, and before he was neutered, he sprayed it with urine. Thats why you want to be able to wash it!

With Fred, he would probably eat it, so I haven't given him a plushie toy.
Ok, cool! Thank you so much! I just took out her current "friend" because he has hard nose and eyes. :)

I'll be sure that the friend she gets doesn't have that feature.

Thank you! :)

It just so happens that my husband is at Target right now, so I asked him to go look in the baby section for something...we'll see if he comes home with a new friend for Flower!!

(I would give one to Maisie, but she's too much of a chewer and doesn't like ANYONE coming into her space, so I don't think she'll be too happy about it. LOL!!)
And these belong to the boys. The brown bunny is actually a dog toy has sewn eyes and nose, no hard plastic things! But our bunns only chew our stuff!! :D Not their stuffies! They like to bathe them and in the case of the boys, they are their love interests as well!!
Aww...that's so cute. My husband was just at Target, and I let him know the requirements, so we'll see if he finds a friend suitable! I'll let you guys know, and I'll be sure to get some film soon and take pictures of the lovey-dovey-ness. :)

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