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Polish Quiz (these are from 2 different quizzes that I did, so there may be a few Q's repeated) . . .
Feel free to add you own questions!
Name the 6Varieties:
Match the points to the features below:
General Type ______
Fur ______
Color ______
Condition ______
Senior buck & doe ideal weight
maximum weight:
Describe body type:
Shoulder width should:
A. Taper or
B. Be of equal width through the hindquarters
Dewlap is:
1. faulted
2. DQd
3. allowed
Dwarf type head is:
1. desired
2. faulted
3. DQ
Maximum ear length:
Name 3 ear faults:
Bone: heavy, fine, medium
Long in body is:
1. faulted
2. DQd
3. Neither of the above
Mismatched toenails:
1. fault
2. DQ
3. neither of the above
Rollback fur is:
1. faulted
2. DQd
Cottony or harsh fur is:
1. faulted
2. DQd
Broken Minimum/Maximum Color DQ:
Pale colored eyes are:
1. faulted
2. DQd
3. allowed
Pale undercolor is:
1. faulted
2. DQd
3. allowed
White spot in colored section on brokens is:
1. faulted
2. DQd
3. neither of the above
Scattered white hairs on ears of brokens is:
1. faulted
2. DQd
3. allowed
Colored toenails on brokens are:
1. faulted
2. DQd
3. neither of the above
Excessive scattered white hairs on brokens is:
1. faulted
2. DQd
3. neither of the above
Chocolates with a ruby cast to the eye are:
1. faulted
2. DQd
3. neither of the above
Do Polish have flyback or rollback fur?
Is a dewlap a DQ?
What is the maximum ear length?
What is the maximum senior weight?
What breed are Polish believed to have come from?
How should the ears be carried?
Name one ear fault:
Name one head fault:
Name a fur disqualification:
What is the maximum junior weight?
Can a junior be bumped up to senior if it exceeds the maximum junior weight?
What is the minimum junior weight?
How many points are there on general type?
What is the body type of the Polish?
What is a pencil line?
What is the minimum amount of color a broken must have?
Is there a DQ for over 50% color on a broken?
Is the absence of any color in the nose area a DQ for a broken?
What type of bone does the Polish have?
On brokens, would a colored toenail be a fault, DQ or neither?
True or False: A Netherland Dwarf type head is desired for the Polish?
Should the Polish have:
1. A taper from the hindquarters to the shoulders?
2. Shoulders as wide as the hindquarters?
Is a missing eye circle on a broken Polish a fault or DQ?
Is a ruby cast in chocolate eyes faulted or permitted?
Should the Polish head be mounted high or lower on the shoulders?
Name a fur fault:
Name a broken pattern fault:
Name 3 body faults:
What does the Standard mention about the more "active animal"?
How many points are on the eyes?
True/False: A broken with a fully colored head would DQd because the eye circles and nose marking would not be discernable.
Feel free to add you own questions!
Name the 6Varieties:
Match the points to the features below:
General Type ______
Fur ______
Color ______
Condition ______
Senior buck & doe ideal weight
maximum weight:
Describe body type:
Shoulder width should:
A. Taper or
B. Be of equal width through the hindquarters
Dewlap is:
1. faulted
2. DQd
3. allowed
Dwarf type head is:
1. desired
2. faulted
3. DQ
Maximum ear length:
Name 3 ear faults:
Bone: heavy, fine, medium
Long in body is:
1. faulted
2. DQd
3. Neither of the above
Mismatched toenails:
1. fault
2. DQ
3. neither of the above
Rollback fur is:
1. faulted
2. DQd
Cottony or harsh fur is:
1. faulted
2. DQd
Broken Minimum/Maximum Color DQ:
Pale colored eyes are:
1. faulted
2. DQd
3. allowed
Pale undercolor is:
1. faulted
2. DQd
3. allowed
White spot in colored section on brokens is:
1. faulted
2. DQd
3. neither of the above
Scattered white hairs on ears of brokens is:
1. faulted
2. DQd
3. allowed
Colored toenails on brokens are:
1. faulted
2. DQd
3. neither of the above
Excessive scattered white hairs on brokens is:
1. faulted
2. DQd
3. neither of the above
Chocolates with a ruby cast to the eye are:
1. faulted
2. DQd
3. neither of the above
Do Polish have flyback or rollback fur?
Is a dewlap a DQ?
What is the maximum ear length?
What is the maximum senior weight?
What breed are Polish believed to have come from?
How should the ears be carried?
Name one ear fault:
Name one head fault:
Name a fur disqualification:
What is the maximum junior weight?
Can a junior be bumped up to senior if it exceeds the maximum junior weight?
What is the minimum junior weight?
How many points are there on general type?
What is the body type of the Polish?
What is a pencil line?
What is the minimum amount of color a broken must have?
Is there a DQ for over 50% color on a broken?
Is the absence of any color in the nose area a DQ for a broken?
What type of bone does the Polish have?
On brokens, would a colored toenail be a fault, DQ or neither?
True or False: A Netherland Dwarf type head is desired for the Polish?
Should the Polish have:
1. A taper from the hindquarters to the shoulders?
2. Shoulders as wide as the hindquarters?
Is a missing eye circle on a broken Polish a fault or DQ?
Is a ruby cast in chocolate eyes faulted or permitted?
Should the Polish head be mounted high or lower on the shoulders?
Name a fur fault:
Name a broken pattern fault:
Name 3 body faults:
What does the Standard mention about the more "active animal"?
How many points are on the eyes?
True/False: A broken with a fully colored head would DQd because the eye circles and nose marking would not be discernable.