Study Time! See how much you know about different Breeds!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
, Pennsylvania, USA
Polish Quiz (these are from 2 different quizzes that I did, so there may be a few Q's repeated) . . .

Feel free to add you own questions!


Name the 6Varieties:

Match the points to the features below:

General Type ______
Fur ______
Color ______
Condition ______

Senior buck & doe ideal weight
maximum weight:

Describe body type:

Shoulder width should:
A. Taper or
B. Be of equal width through the hindquarters

Dewlap is:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d
3. allowed

Dwarf type head is:
1. desired
2. faulted
3. DQ

Maximum ear length:

Name 3 ear faults:

Bone: heavy, fine, medium

Long in body is:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d
3. Neither of the above

Mismatched toenails:
1. fault
2. DQ
3. neither of the above

Rollback fur is:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d

Cottony or harsh fur is:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d

Broken Minimum/Maximum Color DQ:

Pale colored eyes are:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d
3. allowed

Pale undercolor is:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d
3. allowed

White spot in colored section on brokens is:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d
3. neither of the above

Scattered white hairs on ears of brokens is:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d
3. allowed

Colored toenails on brokens are:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d
3. neither of the above

Excessive scattered white hairs on brokens is:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d
3. neither of the above

Chocolates with a ruby cast to the eye are:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d
3. neither of the above

Do Polish have flyback or rollback fur?

Is a dewlap a DQ?

What is the maximum ear length?

What is the maximum senior weight?

What breed are Polish believed to have come from?

How should the ears be carried?

Name one ear fault:

Name one head fault:

Name a fur disqualification:

What is the maximum junior weight?

Can a junior be bumped up to senior if it exceeds the maximum junior weight?

What is the minimum junior weight?

How many points are there on general type?

What is the body type of the Polish?

What is a “pencil line”?

What is the minimum amount of color a broken must have?

Is there a DQ for over 50% color on a broken?

Is the absence of any color in the nose area a DQ for a broken?

What type of bone does the Polish have?

On brokens, would a colored toenail be a fault, DQ or neither?

True or False: A Netherland Dwarf type head is desired for the Polish?

Should the Polish have:
1. A taper from the hindquarters to the shoulders?
2. Shoulders as wide as the hindquarters?

Is a missing eye circle on a broken Polish a fault or DQ?

Is a ruby cast in chocolate eyes faulted or permitted?

Should the Polish head be mounted high or lower on the shoulders?

Name a fur fault:

Name a broken pattern fault:

Name 3 body faults:

What does the Standard mention about the more "active animal"?

How many points are on the eyes?

True/False: A broken with a fully colored head would DQ’d because the eye circles and nose marking would not be discernable.

Oh, Pam, this is cool. I really don'tknow anything about Polish, so I won't even attempt...but I would loveto see them about different breeds....

What a great way to learn about the different breeds of rabbit!


You'll find a thread of consistancy throughout the ARBA Standard ofPerfection. Learning about other breeds helps you to learnmore about your own breed.

Take a stab at it -- you might surprise yourself!

Personally, I like to do these "review" quizzes to keep me sharp on SOPfacts. There are over 800 points of info a judge should havein working memory -- not an easy feat!

Daughter Steph is up for quite a challenge with showmanship tomorrow(she's using a Polish)-- the judge knows his Polish, andnothing will slip by him. The broken black Polish buck on theleft is "John Deere" -- Steph's 4-H project for this year.



WOW! LOL! This is great 'study'guide since I'm just getting in the breed. I'm wanting to usemy broken blue buck for showmanship since he's calm. However, I'm nottoo familar with the breed yet. :?I guess its time to studyand answer these questions!
Here are the answers :)

1. chocolate
2. blue
3. black
4. REW
5. BEW
6. Broken

Match the points:
75 5 10 10 15

General Type __75____
Fur __10____
Color ___10___
Condition __5____

Senior buck & doe ideal weight
maximum weight:
Ideal weight..... 2 1/2 lbs
Max weight.... 3.08 lbs

Body type:

Shoulder width should:
A. Taper or
B. Be of equal width through the hindquarters

Dewlap is:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d
3. allowed

Dwarf type head is:
1. desired
2. faulted
3. DQ

Maximum ear length: 3 inches

Name 3 ear faults: thin (lacking substance), V shaped ear carriage, bowed, scissored,not well furred

Bone: heavy, fine, medium

Long in body is:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d
3. Neither of the above

Mismatched toenails on a solid:
1. fault
2. DQ
3. neither of the above

Rollback fur is:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d

Cottony or harsh fur is:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d

Broken Minimum/Maximum Color DQ: 10% min. 50% max

Pale colored eyes are:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d
3. allowed

Pale undercolor is:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d
3. allowed

White spot in colored section on brokens is:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d
3. neither of the above

Scattered white hairs on ears of brokens is:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d
3. allowed

Colored toenails on brokens are:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d
3. neither of the above
neither of the above

Excessive scattered white hairs on brokens is:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d
3. neither of the above
DQ'd in colored sections

Chocolates with a ruby cast to the eye are:
1. faulted
2. DQ’d
3. neither of the above

Do Polish have flyback or rollback fur? flyback

Is a dewlap a DQ? yes

What is the maximum ear length? 3 inches

What is the maximum senior weight? 3.08 lbs

What breed are Polish believed to have come from? Dutch

How should the ears be carried? erect and touching all the way up

Name one head fault: Dwarf type head, long, narrow, pointed nose, concave between the eyes

Name a fur disqualification: rollback fur

What is the maximum junior weight? 2.08

Can a junior be bumped up to senior if it exceeds the maximum junior weight? no

What is the minimum junior weight? 1 1/4

How many points are there on general type? 75

What is the body type of the Polish? compact

What is a “pencil line”? roll of fur under a chin - different from a dewlap which is a DQ

What is the minimum amount of color a broken must have? 10%

Is there a DQ for over 50% color on a broken? YES

Is the absence of any color in the nose area a DQ for a broken? yes

What type of bone does the Polish have? fine

On brokens, would a colored toenail be a fault, DQ or neither? neither

True or False: A Netherland Dwarf type head is desired for the Polish? False

Should the Polish have:
1. A taper from the hindquarters to the shoulders?
2. Shoulders as wide as the hindquarters?
a taper from the HQ to shoulders

Is a missing eye circle on a broken Polish a fault or DQ? DQ

Is a ruby cast in chocolate eyes faulted or permitted? permitted

Should the Polish head be mounted high or lower on the shoulders? Lower - not to be set high like a ND

Name a fur fault: excessive guard hairs, cottony, harsh, too long

Name a broken pattern fault: unbalanced markings, uneven color

Name 3 body faults: body not being well rounded, flatness, long in body, protruding hips, flat hips

What does the Standard mention about the more "active animal"? not to penalize them - they'll show their heads off better

How many points are on the eyes? 15

True/False: A broken with a fully colored head would DQ’d because theeye circles and nose marking would not bediscernable. Not a DQunless the entire rabbit is over 50% color -- see pg. 28 SOP forclarification on the broken pattern


Can a junior be bumped up to senior if it exceeds the maximum junior weight? no

So you aren't allowed to showjunior in the senior classif its met the max weight limit? I've always been told you can.:?

What does the Standard mention about the more "activeanimal"? not to penalize them - they'll show their heads offbetter

Can you explain this in more depth?

Nope -- no "bump up" on the Polish like the Dwarf Hotot standard allows.

In the Standard: Do not flatten or stretch out the Polish, orpenalize the more active animal. The more alert specimenswill present the all important head, fears, and eyes in their mostnatural position and will afford the best opportunity to properlyevaluate them.



Alrighty, thanks! ;)

I just used this Polish quiz to help 3 2nd year 4-H kids forshowmanship. My purpose was to get their hands into the SOPplus they raise Polish. Along with the quizes on your site. :D


[align=left]This should keep you busy for a little whileAmy. These are some quizzes I did for the OhioHollander. I really didn't to any in depth study quizzes formy own use on the Hollands because we've bred them for over 15 years:)[/align]
[align=left]Answers are after each quiz:[/align]
[align=center]"The History Of The Holland Lop”[/align]



[align=center]How well do you know Holland Lop history? Sharpen your pencil, and test your [/align]
[align=center]Holland Lop knowledge with this fun quiz. (Answers on the bottom -- no peeking!)[/align]
1. Who first developed the Holland Lop breed?[/align]

A. Aleck Brook B. Hans Albrecht C. Andriann De Cock

2. What year was the Holland Lop first accepted into the ARBA Standard of Perfection?

A. 1980 B. 1964 C. 1970

3. What breed was used to introduce the broken color pattern to the Holland Lop?

A. Mini Lop B. English Spot C. Polish

4. What breed was used to improve the fur of the Holland Lop?

A. Netherland Dwarf B. Satin C. Angora

5. What was the “Holland Lop” originally known as?

1. Miniature Lop 2. Netherland Dwarf Lop 3. Dutch Lop

6. Where did the Holland Lop originate?

1. Germany 2. Netherlands 3. Denmark

What three breeds where used to first develop the Holland Lop?

_______________ _______________ _______________

8. Where was the location of the 1979 ARBA Convention that the HollandLop passed it’s presentation to be accepted into the ARBA Standards?

1. Tucson, AZ 2. Tulsa, OK 3. Tacoma, WA

9. Who was the first President of the Holland Lop Rabbit Specialty Club?

1. Marylouise Cowan 2. Aleck Brooks 3. David Stumpf


C. Andriann De Cock 2. A. 1980 3. B. English Spot 4. C. Angora 5. 2. Netherland Dwarf Lop

2. Netherlands 7. Netherland Dwarf, French Lop, English Lop 8. 1. Tucson, AZ 9. Aleck Brooks

Variety Scramble

Unscramble the names of the accepted Holland Lop colors!

1. msoek aelrp _______________________

2. tir clroo __________________________

3. der ______________________________

4. esbla ____________________________

5. uelb _____________________________

6. lcial _____________________________

7. thlcoaoec _________________________

8. iodtenp witeh ______________________

9. lchahilicn _________________________

10. esbla tinop _______________________

11. rsooteit _________________________

12. eelts ____________________________

13. roftsy ___________________________

14. mecra ___________________________

15. easl _____________________________

16. lueb yede weith ____________________

17. obkern __________________________

18. oitgau ___________________________

19. nxyl ____________________________

20. sluriqer __________________________

21. lpao _____________________________

1. smoke pearl

2. tri color

3. red

4 sable

5. blue

6. lilac

7. chocolate

8. pointed white

9. chinchilla

10. sable point

11. tortoise

12. steel

13. frosty

14. cream

15. seal

16. blue eyed white

17. broken

18. agouti

19. lynx

20. squirrel

21. opal

22. orange

23. ruby eyed white

24. siamese

25. black

26. fawn

1. What is the maximum weight

limit for bucks and does? __________

2. What is the ideal weight? __________

3. What is minimum junior weight? __________

4. Can juniors be shown is a

higher age classification? __________

5. Name the 2 variety

show classifications. ______________________

6. Accepted variety groups (choose 7)

Agouti Tan Pattern Broken AOV Self

Ticked Wide Band Shaded Pointed White

7. Match the Points:

General Type _____ 7

Fur _____ 5

Color & Markings _____ 84

Condition _____ 4

8. The combined points of the head, ears & crown total more than the combined points of body & bone.

True or False?

9. Choose the correct Holland Lop pose.

Standing well up on toes _____

Front feet resting lightly on the table _____

Forelegs & hocks flat on the table _____

10. What is the Holland Lop’s body type profile?


11. The shoulders should be equal in depth and width to that of the hindquarters.

True or False?

12. A large dewlap in does is a disqualification.

True or False?

13. A long or narrow body is:

Disqualified Severe Fault Minor Fault Desired

14. Lack of depth, flatness or hindquarters that are chopped, pinched or undercut is:

Disqualified Severe Fault Fault Desired

15. A narrow or long head is:

Disqualified Severe Fault Minor Fault Desired

16. A “bull dog” type head is:

Disqualified Severe Fault Minor Fault Desired

17. What is the term for a crown positioned too far forward or too far back?


18. What type of ear thickness is desired?

Thin ears Thick ears

19. Describe the desired position of the crown.


20. A narrow crown is:

Disqualified Severely Faulted Faulted Desired

21. Desired bone for Holland Lops is:

Fine Medium Heavy

22. Colored toenails on brokens are:

Disqualified Faulted Desired

23. What is the proper fur type and desired length?


24. A single spot on the nose of a broken (rather than a butterfly) would be:

Disqualified Faulted Neither

25. A completely colored head on a broken would be a disqualification. True or False?

26. White tips or white spots on broken ears is:

Disqualified Faulted Neither

27. A break in a Broken’s eye circles would be:

Disqualified Faulted Neither

28. Brokens are disqualified for under 10% and over 50% color. True or False?

29. White spots in colored sections of brokens is a disqualification. True or False?

30. Pointed Whites would be shown as:

Solid Broken

31. A blue Pointed White should have blue/gray eyes. True or False?

32. A Seal lacking shading would be:

Disqualified Faulted Neither

33. A light underside of tail on a tortoise is:

Disqualified Faulted Neither

34. A blue otter with blue/gray eyes would be disqualified.

True or False?

35. White eye circles on a fawn are faulted.

True or False?

36. Lap spots on steels would be:

Faulted Disqualified Neither

37. A white belly on a red is:

Faulted Disqualified Desired

38. Scattered white hairs on Smoke Pearls is:

Faulted Disqualified Neither

39. What is the proper eye color for Lynx?


40. “Squirrel” is not an accepted color in Holland Lops. True or False?

41. Opals are disqualified for slate-blue undercolor. True or False?

42. “Tri-Colored” is an accepted Holland variety.

True or False?

43. Chestnut Agoutis with reddish belly color are:

Faulted Disqualified Neither

44. Absence of ticking on the head, ears, legs or loin of a Steel is:

Faulted Disqualified Neither

45. Ticking over the saddle of a tortoise is:

Faulted Disqualified Desired

46. What tortoise varieties are accepted?


47. Wooly fur on a Holland is:

Faulted Disqualified Neither

Answers to “The Holland Lop Standard”

1. 4 lbs.

2. 3 lbs.

3. 2 lbs.

4. no

5. Solid & Broken

6. Agouti, Broken, Self, Ticked, Wide Band, Shaded, Pointed White

7. General Type 84, Fur 7, Color & Markings 4, Condition 5

8. False (they are an equal 42 points)

9. Front feet resting lightly on the table

10. Compact

11. True

12. Fault (a small, simple dewlap is permitted)

13. Severe Fault

14. Fault

15. Severe Fault

16. Desired

17. Just behind the eyes no more than 1” below jaw line.

18. Thick ears.

19. Positioned at the top of the head (just behind eyes) and wrapping around even with the top of each eye.

20. Faulted

21. Heavy

22. Faulted

23. Rollback -- 1 inch

24. Faulted (balanced nose marking preferred)

25. False “this does satisfy the requirements for Broken head markings” (see pg. 28 of Standard)

26. Faulted

27. Faulted

28. False. Brokens with under 10% color are DQ’d. No more than 70% color is preferred. (see pg. 135 of Standard)

29. False

30. Solid

31. False. (all Pointed Whites have pink eyes)

32. Disqualified

33. Faulted. (white underside of tail is DQ’d)

34. True (Blue Otter is not an accepted variety)

35. False. White eye circles are desired

36. Neither. (lap spots on steels are permissible)

37. Faulted

38. Faulted

39. blue-gray

40. False

41. False. (slate-blue undercolor is desired)

42. True

43. Neither. (belly color is not specified)

44. Faulted

45. Faulted

46. black, blue, chocolate & lilac

47. Faulted


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