New Member
I’ve never posted on a forum before, but I am absolutely desperate for answers at this point. This may be long, but I want to be thorough. I’ve been struggling with my rabbits health for a year now and thought I’d ask some experienced owners if they have any idea what might be going on as I’ve gotten some very questionable and unreliable answers from vets. So, my girl is 6 years old and lives with her brother. Her brother is neutered, but she is not spayed, which I know is very concerning. Last year I was going to get her spayed, but that’s when her health issues came up and our vet said it would be extremely dangerous and unnecessary to spay her. It started in November last year, she was super healthy and then suddenly and drastically started dropping weight. She’s a Holland lop and prior to this she was always about 3 pounds. Suddenly within the span of a week she lost an entire pound. She was still acting normal, eating, drinking, and using the bathroom, but obviously I made her a vet appointment because she had lost so much weight in such a short time. Our normal vet couldn’t take us in (They we’re understaffed and overwhelmed because of COVID) so we went to a different exotic vet near us. They agreed her weight was extremely concerning and we went over her diet, they said there were no problems there and that she was eating exactly what she was supposed to. She didn’t seem depressed, she didn’t seem ill other than the weight loss, she wasn’t in any pain and she was acting otherwise normal. They took her and did blood tests and scans to see if she had tumors but there was nothing. All they could tell me was her white blood cell count was low, but they couldn’t give me an explanation or tell me how to fix it, so they referred me to another vet. We went to the other vet the same day, and they basically said the same thing, but told us it was cancer because she was getting old and she wasn’t fixed. They told me she wasn’t going to live till Christmas 2020. Thinking she was going to die within a month, I spoiled that rabbit with treats and high fat foods to help her gain weight and be comfortable. She had lots oats, which I read could help her gain some weight, and to my surprise, they did. Christmas came and left, and I was still just waiting for her to die, but she didn’t. She got better. She gained all her weight back, and by February I thought for sure they had misdiagnosed her. She was perfectly normal again. She was fine, until last night. I went to spend time with them, feed them, and clean their pen like I do every night, and I noticed she was losing weight again. Lots of it, she was considerably skinnier than a week ago. I’ve been researching vets because I didn’t like the other two we tried, but today I went to check on her and am now extremely worried. Just like last year shes very underweight again, but this time shes also having accidents outside of the litter box which is extremely unlike her. I weighed her, and again she’s down to 2 pounds. She’s still eating, and acting completely normal besides her accidents. Because of COVID, no vets in my area have emergency hours, but I am going to get her checked out first thing in the morning, but I don’t even know what could possibly be going on. Is it cancer? Could the symptoms of that go away for a year and then reappear? I am so upset and confused. I love these buns like they’re my kids, I don’t know what else I can do. I’ve already spent thousands of dollars for tests that didn’t yield any important results. What could be going on, if anyone even has an idea I’d so greatly appreciate it. Thank you.