Stretching his neck

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Ajax, Ontario, Canada
Hi, can anyone tell me if their Bunny(s) stretchtheir neck up & down. Our little guy Buttercup hasbeen doing it quite a bit lately. He will be sitting andmoves his head up & down on an ongoing basis for about a minuteand then stops. Then a couple of minutes later he will do the samething again. He goes through this for a fewn daysand then it goes away. A few weeks later it will start upagain. This has been going on for a long time. He seems to bedoing it more frequently now and I am concerned weather it is seriouusor not. I have mentioned it to my vet before and he didn'tseem too concerned about it. I'm just wondering if anyone hashad the same experience.


SOOOSKA wrote:
Hi, can anyone tell me if their Bunny(s) stretch their neckup & down. Our little guy Buttercup has been doing itquite a bit lately. He will be sitting and moves his head up& down on an ongoing basis for about a minute and then stops.Then a couple of minutes later he will do the same thingagain. He goes through this for a fewn days andthen it goes away. A few weeks later it will start upagain. This has been going on for a long time. He seems to bedoing it more frequently now and I am concerned weather it is seriouusor not. I have mentioned it to my vet before and he didn'tseem too concerned about it. I'm just wondering if anyone hashad the same experience.



Does Buttercup get playtime? Maybe he isstretching?? Does he have enough room to sit up in his cageor hutch?

I think I've seen my buns stretch (or play) like that.
Buttercup has the run of the familyroom, the only time he's in his cage is at bedtime.

He has his own little couch that he sleeps on during the day.


No not all the time but when he does it, he doesit for a couple of weeks. Then he does'nt do it at allfor a couple of months. Then he starts doing it again
SOOOSKA wrote:
Hi, can anyone tell me if their Bunny(s) stretch their neckup & down.

Haven't seen Pebbles do it yet. Maybe every bunny is different.

Saw Pebbles do a new stretch today. She arched herback like a cat with her back high in the air.:p Usually she would drag herback legs and lift her shoulders and yawn with her mouth wide open.

Rainbows! :)

Wrigley bobs his head up and down every once anda while. It happens about once a month all though I haven'tseen him do it for a while. :?