I read somewhere that a lot of people associate flavors strongly with color. Some people did an experiment where they gave a bunch of people candy that was flavored with only all natural fruit extracts and tinted the candies a different color than they usually are. So say raspberry flavor was green and grape flavor was yellow. I don't remember if they told the people the green ones were lime or not, but when asked what flavor the candies were, nearly everyone incorrectly said they were lime flavored and not raspberry flavored. I thought it was quite interesting! I guess I don't have the same taste buds though because I definitely notice if something is a different flavor than I'm expecting. I've even been served peppermint ice cream and been told it was strawberry, only to be surprised at the peppermint flavor.
In any case, peppermint ice cream is awesome and I love it! My favorite is the Safeway store brand that's pink and has little globs of red and green pepperminty goodness in it. It's even low fat, though that doesn't mean much since I ate half the container in one sitting!