strange poops

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Active Member
Mar 10, 2005
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
My bun sometimes has poops that are very small,and clumped together in a line of about twenty and are quite squidgey.They usually return to normal within a day or so. I was wondering whatcauses this?
Too much grass or green veg? Any ideas.
He is acting very normally otherwise when these little poopy episode occur.
Bunnies need to digest some foods twice thereforehave two different types of droppings. They eat the softer droppings(cecetropes) and should not be discouraged as it's normal and necessaryfor the rabbit. They are sticky and smelly. Usuallyyou don't see them as they are eaten as soon as they come out.

Rainbows! :)
Oh, thanks I was wondering what the cecotropheslooked like, the buns are usually very good at eating them straightfrom the source so to speak, but I did wonder why I see these smellylittle things in the litter tray sometimes.
Thanks for your info.