Strange Head Movements

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Snuggys Mom

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
I've noticed my new boy, Napoleon, sometimesmoves his headback and forth in a strangeway.He does it when he's laid out andrelaxed. He almost looks like he's in a trance. Hishead and upper body just waver back and forth slowly. Hishead doesn't turn, it just moves with his upper body.

Is this something to be concerned about? He's perfectly normal in every other way.

Is he rocking himself to sleep? I know that sounds crazy, buthis eyes get droopy and he looks like he's about to doze off.

I tried to do a search, but couldn't find anything.


Hi Laura,

I believe your referring to scanning. Will bring up a post about it.

Bi itsnormal behavior for a NewZeland i have one that does thatconstantly , especially if hse doesnt hearyou come up on her right away, she scanns thearea to besure its what shethinks it is , I too wasalarmmed when shefirst started doing it , Ithough she was plain scared todeath of me ( no small jokepoor thing was also ) but shewill do it when shehas no clue i am evenlooking at her or Ifi am even in the garage , ialos have a sneakingsusspicion she maybe partiallydeaf or completely deaf, I have only had her 3 weeks, but knowing howskittish she is i tryand make a lot of noise goingin the other rabbits respond butshe doesnt till she canActually See me.

Carolyn i have been meaningtogetyour thoughts aswell as Tinsa and Pams , Thistread reminded me of it, i have been so right out straightlately some of the big stuffis eluding me . So for Bi'scomfort and mine also could the Scanning bemore pronounced in a partialor deaf rabbit ,seems non of my otherwhite rabbits with redeyes does this . New Zeland traite ?
gypsy wrote:
So for Bi's comfortand mine also could the Scanning be morepronounced in a partialor deaf rabbit ,seems non of my otherwhite rabbits with redeyes does this . New Zeland traite ?

There could be a possible connection between albinism and deafness inrabbits,although I don't have information on hand relating tothat. Would be interesting to look into. There is aconnection in cats between the color white and deafness.

Some individuals are more likely to scan than others, as albinism does affect eyesight.

Some rabbits with a "ruby cast" to their eye may also scan (sablepoints carrying the recessive gene for albinism,for example).

Thanks for the info! I've noticed Pocodoing this a lot. I just thought she was dancing to the musicin her head!:bunnydance:

Love the Woodypet avatar, Jim D!

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