Strange growth on Reveille...

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
So I was casually walking by Reveille's cage, and I noticed something out of order..

I immediately panicked...

Can anyone identify this strange looking growth?




Ok people.. I said this with a HUGE amount of sarcasm... I thought it was a pretty funny place to sleep... my youngest son's first comment was *What if she toots?*
That poor little bunny is gonna wake up with poopies on his

How funny...he wanted to snuggle with Mama...and wound up entangled!! LOL!!

Nice one, it! :D
CorkysMom wrote:
Leave it to a boy to ask that question....same thing mine would ask..!!! :laugh:
LOL....oh heck...I GUARANTEE you that if I showed my 7yo (8 tomorrow...yay!) girl that picture, she would undoubtedly ask the same question.

Why is it that kids her age are so fixated with booty functions?? LOL...
:shock2: I just got home from a show. Been up since 4am and actually stared at the pictures thinking, "It is an abcess.... and Wow...what a big one." Then Ibegan to read everyones' "advice" and realized that I missed something. :upsidedown:Went back and, WOW HOW CUTE!!! Betcha it was warm.
maherwoman wrote:
CorkysMom wrote:
Leave it to a boy to ask that question....same thing mine would ask..!!! :laugh:
LOL....oh heck...I GUARANTEE you that if I showed my 7yo (8 tomorrow...yay!) girl that picture, she would undoubtedly ask the same question.

Why is it that kids her age are so fixated with booty functions?? LOL...
That age?!?!? My son is almost 13 and he still is....we were out at mom's tonite and he and his friend made 2 anitomicaly correct snowmen....the fun never ends!!! :laugh:

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