Strange breathing noise

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New Member
Aug 13, 2016
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Hello all,
My rabbit has a very strange breathing noise, it's very hard to explain it is quite loud and she has been doing it for about a year. I have 2 other rabbit ( I have her twin sister) her twin does not make the noise and my other rabbit does not. She seems fine in her self and is always excited and having fun with toys I'm just very worried about what it is as I have never heard it before. She is spaded and she is about 4 years old. She looks very healthy and there has never been any discharge from her. I have a video but I'm not sure how I can upload it? Any help would be great! Also she has all her vacations and they are all up to date and she lives in a very large walk in hutch with the other 2.
If there is no discharge, it is a good sign as you can rule out pasteurella. A video would help to get a better idea of the problem, if you find a way to put it in here (maybe on YouTube and put a link here? I suck at technology ^^). Does she hold her head normally or does she seem bothered by something while breathing? Does she do the noise all the time or only when in certain position or during certain activities (do you hear it when she's sleeping?)?
I would take her to the vet to get an x-ray done and check there is no obstruction or something even just for your own peace of mind.
Thank you for replying, she does not make it all the time, sometimes she is silent but other times ( especially when exploring new things) she will make it. She doesn't do it when she is asleep and she sits and eats normally. Although sometimes she will do it when she is just sat there, both the twins breath the same rate. She moves her nose up and down a lot and so does her twin but my boy rabbit doesn't only when he's interested d in something. I will try and find away to upload the video. It might just be me being over protective as rabbits all have different ways of expressing there emotions just like humans maybe she just likes to make the grunting sound. I did check and it does come from her mouth not her body so maybe it's teeth grinding ( her teeth are perfect)
It's hard to be sure without seeing it, but if it's when she is excited or in certain situations only, it might just be her way of expressing herself - some rabbits make a lot more noises than others and some do breath hard for that. So, showing us the video (and showing it to your vet next time you see them just to make sure) would be useful, but I wouldn't panic just yet ^^

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