Strange Behavior After Spay

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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After Star's spay, she has been actingstrange. She has been litter trained and has always used herlitterbox. Since the spay, she has been peeing all over hercage. This behavior is so unlike her, as she was always theneat and clean bunny. Anyone have similarexperiences? Am I safe to assume she needs much more recoverytime than my male who is already binkying and running the bunny500? (The spay & neuter was last Saturday).Shorty is acting normal. ...Well, normal for a crazybunny. I let him out last night. Mygoodness! He was like crazy bunny boy! Seriously, Ihave NEVER seen him jump so high. He binkied like he hasnever done before. Obviously, he is recoveringnicely. Silly bun ;) He bonded with my little (BIG)brother after he fed him a yogurt chip. It was sosweet! We were laying on the floor with him and he wasgrooming both of us! AND we got bunny kisses :) Imissed those bunny kisses!


Shorty, Star & Krick

would contact your vet. Has she got wee down the inside of her back leg?
It doesn't appear as though she has pee insideof her leg. The wound is healing quite nicely. Shehas just been acting different. No teeth grinding.She is eating ok. She is using her litterbox as well as therest of her hutch. ;)

I didn't think she needed to see the vet. I was justwondering if anyone has had a similar experience with a recoveringfemale after a spay...?

Anyone? Anyone?

Thanks! Hugs :)

Shorty, Star & Krick

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