Storm update in upstate NY

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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2008
Reaction score
Bloomfield, New York, USA
Yesterday we had a heckuva hail storm here... Benn called me from the road to tell me there was "huge" hail all along the sides of the road. That huge hail was golfball sized... my neighbor told me about the details of the storm. She came over to see if Tim could help her with the insurance claim she will have to file - the north side of her house was damaged severely - her garden that she works on every night was wiped out and the fabric over the soil has huge holes punched into it.

I was at work yesterday and was horrified to hear that my horses chose to be outside inthe storm- they have access to a large run in area of the barn but they felt safer outside getting pelted by hailstones. My neighbor said she could not watch them running around in a panic not being able to help them. The good news is that they are all OK -no injuries.I have seen my Lab Quinn sit in a hailstorm with little stones and he was blinking as he got pelted...but then Quinn is not the sharpest knife in the drawer...I had to tell him to get inside before he got some sense knocked into him.

My garden was wiped out by 50%... my hostas look like I took a shredder to them...veggie garden is 50% done... and we have four holes in the vinyl siding and Andy's car sustained a lot of dings...he is in the 1000 Islands in NY now. Odd thing, I have nasturtium seedlings in my barn gardens and they did not sustain any damage.

Jared and Remy's cage was a little wet but they were OK - I did not have the sides up on the north side due to the heat we had earlier in the day.

Everyone else was OK. Whew!


Glad to hear that nobody was hurt.
Sorry about the damages, though.

We had thunder & lightning, high winds, and heavy rain on an off.
My shredded hostas. Hostas do not like golfball sized hailstones.

WOW! I can't believe the horses stayed out! Pokie HATES rain or anything to hit her in the face.... she'll leave her butt outside the run-in, but always keeps her head under cover! I'm glad everyone is ok, tho! Those storms looked horrible! Your poor hastas!!!
We are due for more hail this evening - although not as big as Thursday's attack.

I think Weatherly and Nefertiti were the ones running about - Mercy and Freedom take command of the run-in and I am sure Dipper edged her way inside.

Pokie can be a bit stingy of the run-in as well! but she prefers to have the company of Dakota now over sole ownership! He can block wind, hail, and rain for her.... and in the winter he keeps her warm! LOL! It's funny cause I worried about them being *exposed* in the winter..... their part of the barn is the warmest, I think!

I sure hope the storms didn't get too bad ..... it's this cool front moving through. Here, on Wednesday, the high is like 68!!

We are getting lots of little intense pop up thunderstorms - things are pretty soggy here. I had to get hay today and was trying to get it stacked before it got wet...

We are not supposed to have good weather until Saturday.

And I am still recovering from graduation... totally had a duh moment and forgot the farrier was coming today and now I have to reschedule due to my forgetfulness and the farrier is VERY hard to get a hold of...:pullhair::foreheadsmack::banghead... I hate when I do that! I have a number of doctor's appointments coming up and if I don't check the calendar I am likely to forget those too...


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