Store-bought papaya & other fruits - additive question

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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2010
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Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
Igot some banana slices in the red bag (Ithink they're from Oxbow but not sure) and the bag is pretty expensive - like $5-6. The ingredients are - bananas - nothing else. I checked the food store and they have extraingredients and additives. What is okay for them to have? I got some dried papaya (tiny pieces ina small greenish bag) and those are straight dried papaya - I got some dried papaya from the bulk food store and tried a few pieces. The ingredients are papaya and some sort of preservative - I gave them each a tiny piece - slightly bigger than a pencil eraser to try it out and they seemed okay this morning. They don't get a lot of these treats, but mostly when I'm trying to rustle them back into their cage, they get a treat if they comply. The dried banana in store has coconut oil, some sugar and extra stuff like that.

I want to buy a dehydrator but was wondering if some additives are okay for them to eat? The bulk food store has lots of variety for very little price
Do you have a health food store or a place that sells organic foods? I have had good luck in our local grocery store in the organic section finding dried fruit that is just the fruit, no preservatives or sugar added. It's a little more expensive than general bulk, but much less expensive than the pet store version.

I would be careful with additives, particularly sugars. Fruit is already very sweet for the buns. You don't want to upset their digestive systems.
You don't have to buy a dehydrator--you can use your oven on a low heat sitting and accomplish. You'll need to dip each peace in lemon juice to seal the cells and then dry. We have a dehydrator we bought more than thirty years ago and it still works fine. Don't like any thing with ANY additives.
I just bought a dehydrator before Xmas, I love it and so do the bunnies.

They especially love the Bananas, carrots and parsley I do.

Larry do you dip the fruit in lemon juice when you use the dehydrator? If so can you use the lemon juice from the bottle or do you have to squeeze it from lemons?

I bought the Oxbow bananas & strawberries too before I bought the dehydrator, too darn pricey. However I buy the Oxbow Timothy Treats and the other one (I forget the name) they really like those too. My bunnies are very very spoilt!

It also matters what the preservatives are. Citric acid is often used as a preservative and it's just vitamin C - harmless to people and bunnies in those small amounts. I'm more wary about buying dried fruits with added sugar. Some grocery stores to carry dried fruit that is only 100% fruit, so just keep looking I think. I was able to buy a big tub of papaya that has lasted forever and it was only $5 or so (it comes in big chunks so I have to cut it up)

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