butsy wrote:
although she does drool when she eats carrots, her chin is all orange
Unrelated to the question, but best to keep your eye on this, might well be the start of a dental issue.
A change in litter habits may be a sign of a health problem, but lacking them in certain areas in the first place isn't.
How long ago did you move her? It sounds like hasn't settled into to her new digs yet, she will leave territorial markings everywhere.
Sometimes is takes a month or three, especially with juveniles.
You should be able to take the used puppy pad from her cage and put it outside where you want her to go, and she will go there.
She may go everywhere else for awhile, too, but she will settle on the spot previously used.
You have to make sure all the spots she has used before to pee are thoroughly cleaned with vinegar. That will take the scent right away, she won't be compelled to remark. (Unless its disputed' territory, anyway, ie: like the cat's sleeping spot or in front of the bf's chair).
sas :bunnydance: