still nothing

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Active Member
Mar 8, 2005
Reaction score
Saratoga, New York, USA

I'm the person that bought the female mini lop that I thought was pregnant.

I am not sure if she is...there still aren't any babies and she hasn'tpulled any fur. She is very big, and not veryactive. She seems healthy otherwise: eating, drinking, goingto the bathroom (she's even using her litter box :D)...

I put a nest box in the other day- which was an upside down x.lg.igloo...she really didn't seem interested in it or it's contents...Idecided that I wasn't happy with this for a nest box, so I bought arubber maid bin (actually looks like a mini laundry basket).I cut a big square out of the side (left a lip so kits wouldn't be ableto crawl out)...I liked this better as it has holes for ventilation.

Anyway...since I put it in her cage, she really hasn't leftit. She isn't moving things around too much (eating sometimothy hay) , she is just laying in it normal for preg. doesto lay in the nest box?

I'm sorry for so many questions, it'd be so much easier if I knew in fact if she had mated and when....

Thanks for letting me ramble...:?


luvbuns wrote:
I'm the person that bought the female mini lop that I thought was pregnant.

Hi luvbuns,

Who is more or

Pebbles, alsoa store bought pregnant Netherland Dwarf thatwas turned over to the vet byher previous owners.The vet performed a c-section and delivered one still born.

Not to scare you, this is probably anextreme case.It sounds like you are doing the right thing. Hope everythingturns out well.

Rainbows! :)

Hi Luv .

how long have you hadthe rabbit at home,

if your not sure sheis pregnant you can always callthe place yu got her andask if they know forsure she mated . Did theywitness it etc ask them alsowhat date they got her inthe store then usingthe calender try and see if sheis past due , notquite ready to todue etc.

most places keeprecords of whenanimals come in thats whythey get reciepts fortheiranimals youcould ask them to look itup and see justwhen she cameinto the place

omg i just caughtmyself rambling and repeatingsorry 8 hrs sleep in3 days just isntenough
I bought her on the 3rd and the petstore got the buns on the 28th.

When I first brought her home, I thought that she looked, felt, andacted pregnant. She just layed around all of thetime. She would run a few feet then totally plop down,sprawled out....

Who is more or
I am definitely more nervous than Mindy. :DI have bitten my nails down to nothing...and is bad that I've made mykids (human kids ;))forage for their own food, so that I can'watch' the bunny? lol

If only she could speak....if only...


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