Still losing babies...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2011
Reaction score
McVeytown, Pennsylvania, USA
We're still losing babies, unfortunately. We lost 3 (or 4? Can't remember...) at the fair, and brought home a pen of 5 that we thought for sure would be dead within days. We put all the fair rabbits in quarantine, and the pen of 5 are alive and well. They're very thin, but are now eating and going to the bathroom normally. BUT!

Some of the ones in the stall of babies are now showing signs of ME/bloat. We lost 3 bucks (1 of which we were keeping and 1 we had sold). 2 of Rosa's babies, 2 of Adeline's, and a Californian are all looking sick.

I don't think it's ME, though... it wouldn't explain why we're losing ones that were completely fine, not stressed, eating/drinking normally, that didn't go to the fair, etc.

I talked to a few of the other 4-H/FFA members, and they're all losing rabbits, too. All of them are under 4 months old, and they're losing ones that they didn't take to the fair, either. I have NO idea what it is, which is frustrating. One poor girl has lost 10 so far, with another 6 or so looking unwell.

I have the ones that look sick on Neomycin, hay, and a few rolled oats a day. We have thoroughly stripped out the rabbit stall, and I hosed it down well with Vanodine. I also soaked all water bottles and crocks/feeders in a VERY strong bleach solution, then let them dry in the sun. I then mixed up a batch for aerial use, and misted the entire barn with it.

I just hope this soon passes. Trisha's due tomorrow, and I do NOT want to lose them. :(
Could it be the feed? A bad batch could cause lot of problems. You should ask what other people who are losing rabbits feed, if it's the same stuff then it could be a feed issue.
Maybe try using a different brand or at least formula if you can to see if it helps.

It sounds like there is something going on. With multiple people losing lots of rabbits in the same area, there could be something linking them.
It's definitely something that got picked up at the fair. I found out the other day that there was a family that had 4 rabbits dead when they went to unload at the fair. They unloaded the ones that weren't dead, and didn't tell us they lost any (the trip was only 20 minutes, in a horse trailer). They were also the ones that had the first rabbit die (I found it, on the open show on Monday, just about dead).

On top of that, the person that's in charge of the rabbit barn brought in rabbits directly from the local livestock auction. And on Wednesday, during the fair, he brought in more (he has a pen area where he sells them for $5).

And most of the rabbits that were dying/getting sick were on the side of the barn where the first dwarf hotot was found dead, and the same side as the pen of sale barn stock.

It's not the feed, because everyone is feeding a different brand. And it wouldn't explain why the older ones aren't being affected.

I know one thing. I will NEVER install automatic watering systems here. There is no way to monitor if someone stops drinking, or slows down from their normal consumption. I can pretty much tell you what level everyone's bottles will be at in the morning (barring leaks, of course). You can't do that when one large container is watering multiple cages.

Next year I think we'll only be taking her showmanship rabbit and her 2 meat pens. Everyone else will stay at home, where it's safe.
That's just terrible :(
It's sad when people not only don't care about their rabbits, but other peoples rabbits.

Since you know who brought the sick rabbits, would it be possible to take some action against them? You might need to get autopsies done, but it could recover the costs of the lost rabbits for you and the others affected. At the very least stricter rules at the fair or preventing those people from going again would be helpful to prevent further losses.
Right now, I've resigned myself to the fact that I've lost every single young one. And it's absolutely heartbreaking to watch them slowly die off, one by one. I'm going to ask my neighbor (who's from a long line of hunters) to come and dispatch the remaining ones, just so they're not suffering any more.

I don't think anything can be done to the person that brought in the sick animals. But there are a LOT of us going to the next fair board meeting about the rabbit barn supervisor bringing in rabbits from the trashy livestock auction. We have to sign all sorts of forms, stating who our vet is (and all their information) and other such stuff. There's NO way he's doing that, and it has everyone in an uproar. As they should be. While it hasn't touched every single owner, there are enough behind this (that realize what we're going through) so hopefully we can get things changed.
wendymac wrote:
Right now, I've resigned myself to the fact that I've lost every single young one. And it's absolutely heartbreaking to watch them slowly die off, one by one. I'm going to ask my neighbor (who's from a long line of hunters) to come and dispatch the remaining ones, just so they're not suffering any more.

I don't think anything can be done to the person that brought in the sick animals. But there are a LOT of us going to the next fair board meeting about the rabbit barn supervisor bringing in rabbits from the trashy livestock auction. We have to sign all sorts of forms, stating who our vet is (and all their information) and other such stuff. There's NO way he's doing that, and it has everyone in an uproar. As they should be. While it hasn't touched every single owner, there are enough behind this (that realize what we're going through) so hopefully we can get things changed.
Wow, I am just so sorry that this has happened to you guys! I can't even imagine. All (allegedly) because some guy was trying to make a quick buck by selling rabbits. He put all of your rabbits at risk and now YOU are paying the price. I would be furious as well.
My heart is broken right now. I dread even going down to the bunnies, for fear of who was next to die. We're down to 9 Cal babies and 3 Flop babies... out of 21 Cals and 13 Flops. And that's counting the 5 that came home from the fair knocking on death's door who are now fine and doing well. I should have dispatched them instead of bringing them home...
I'm so sorry!! That is just terrible!! I hope that your bunnies live; this is a bad situation you're put in! :hug2::in tears:
Thanks, guys. I was just about to my breaking point last night and was going to call my neighbor (avid hunter) to just come and dispatch the remaining 12 weekers. But, alas, my "never give up" mentality is back, and I'm still medicating, giving them infant gas drops, and syringe feeding Critical Care.
I know this is really tough for you. If you as a group want to pursue banning this guy or anyone else from bringing in outside rabbits, would it help to get anecropsy on one? I know you did a makeshift oneat the fair, but I'm wondering if it would help your case with the board. It might also help confirm what you already suspect?
The one FFA girl is a pre-vet student. I think she said she was going to take one in for a necropsy. Right now the one junior buck of hers, that got BIS on Monday, is sick. Her vet said to try giving them enemas with ivory dish soap. Never heard of it, but may give it a try to try to get things moving.
:in tears: I'm so sorry this hasn't resolved yourself. I think of all those beautiful bunnies playing in the barn and it breaks my heart. I just don't know how you can keep it together. You and you bunnies are in my thoughts and prayers. Wendy.
Still not resolved...lost another Californian last night. :( I held it together until last night, then the tears started. And they've barely let up since. It's so heart wrenching to watch them die, one at a time, knowing there's not a thing you can do to stop it but pray they pull through. There are 7 that are still fighting, but not sure how much longer until they give up, too. :(

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