Stephie Officially Spoiled!!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2004
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
So last friday I run out of Oxbow timothy hay, soI stop at the pet store for a big bag(my cavies love it too).Unfortunately, I grabbed the meadow grass instead of timothy hay. So Itried it out anyway and she just ate a little bit, but no where near asmuch as the T hay. I was finally able to get a bag of T hay today andshe's munching on it like crazy!

Fortunately the cavies like the meadow grass so it won't go to waste!:)
awww sheisnt spoild Mambo just ** well Loved **

funny how htey like somethingsand not others , kinda like pineapple i have3 out of my herd who thinksits a treat and theother slackers turn up thuernoses lol .
:shock:She is not spoiled. Milkspoils Baby girl is *Pampered*.Glad the cavies like itso well. Stephie is thinking to herself..'more timothy for me'.:D

Apollo is like that with his water. If there isn't Vanilla in it he won't drink it.:?

She should be spoiled/wellloved/pampered. Lets be honest, is there anyone here whosebuns aren't spoiled/well loved/pampered/etc....

How you spoiled Bella and Stephie! Letit be of comfort to you that you gave them a beautiful, loving,comfortable home. They couldn't've had it better in life thanto have you as their father.

Stephie and Bella will be watching over you and Fonz.


:rainbow: :bunnyangel:

to Mambo

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