Sryinge feeding

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
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MN, Minnesota, USA
Basil still isn't eating or drinking! I called the vet and she told me to syringe feed him water, pineapple juice, baby food, canned pumpkin; foods high in fiber and moisture. What are some good foods high in fiber and moisture that I could blend or buy as baby food? And what amounts should I give him of the food and pineapple juice? I don't want to feed him too much. I also read that mashing up rabbit pellets and syringe feeding helps them start eating, is this a good idea?

She said this should get things moving but if he doesn't start eating I should bring him in. Has anyone experienced this and has syringe feeding worked for you? I'm really worried about him because he is loosing weight but I'm hoping this works.
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It's important to find out why he isn't eating first of all. Has the vet examined him? Can you get some Critical Care to feed him? In the meantime, mashed up pellets with water will do. Pumpkin (plain, not seasoned for pies) is good too. Give him as much as he will take. I don't think you need to worry about over feeding him at this point. When I had to syringe feed my bunny Smokey, he would let me know when he had enough, but I fed him as much as I could get in him every two or three hours until he started eating some on his own and then I tapered off.
It's important to find out why he isn't eating first of all. Has the vet examined him? Can you get some Critical Care to feed him? In the meantime, mashed up pellets with water will do. Pumpkin (plain, not seasoned for pies) is good too. Give him as much as he will take. I don't think you need to worry about over feeding him at this point. When I had to syringe feed my bunny Smokey, he would let me know when he had enough, but I fed him as much as I could get in him every two or three hours until he started eating some on his own and then I tapered off.

Yes she examined him on Saturday and today I brought him to a different vet (he wasn't very experienced) He said he felt something in the stomach so he thinks there's a blockage. I live over an hour away from the vet I like to go to so she just told me what to do over the phone and if he doesn't get better I can bring him in.

What is critical care and where can I get it?
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Critical Care is like a powdered form of food that you mix with water and syringe feed. I got some on Amazon. It's made by Oxbow. My vet usually sells it, but she was out of it when I was there. You could call around some pet stores or vets near you to see if anyone has it. I had it shipped overnight when I needed it for Smokey (which I really didn't enjoy paying for!!!). There is an apple/banana flavor that I have read some bunnies prefer, but I just had the regular that smelled like licorice and Smokey liked it.
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Thanks! I'm still syringe feeding him but it doesn't seem to be helping. I don't know what else to do so I'm going to call the vet tomorrow.
ugh :( I feel like he's getting worse and I'm really worried. he feels soo skinny and boney and he doesn't have much energy. he had a bit of mushy poop stuck on his bottom but it doesn't look like he's having diarrhea. I'm still syringe feeding him but I don't know how much longer I should do it. He's still only eating veggies and I'm not sure when I can get him to the vet besides Saturday but that may be too late. (I have school & work all week) Any advice would be great.
I feel terrible. I do have a lot of rabbits but I've had Basil for exactly a year. (I got him last memorial weekend) and I got pretty close to him. I just feel like I could of done something more..

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