Spoiled bunny syndrome?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2006
Reaction score
Auckland, , New Zealand
Hello everyone :D. This is going to be long!

I have a few questions regarding Sakuras 'bunnitude'. For those who don't know her she's the one in my avatar. She's a spayed adult netherland dwarf.

She's a very smart rabbit and seems to need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to be happy. She can figure out how to escape from almost anything it seems - from chewing hinges out of wood, to climbing NIC grids like they were ladders, and vaulting over the top like it was nothing.

Recently her partner in crime, Sophie, was spayed and now they wont rebond. I'm thinking that Sakura is now bored and lonely, so I have set her up in an NIC pen in the dining room, so she can see us in the living room, and I can give her plenty of one-on-one time and attention.

Her pen is an odd shape as I have lost a few of my grids, but it's two tall, 3 wide along the back, 3 long on each side, and two long and the front, so it's a weird shape. I've set it up so one side opens up long and blocks the dining/kitchen area off from the rest of the house.

So when the cat isn't in there eating, I pick her food up off the floor, open Sakura's pen up and let her have free fun of this area. Often I will sit in there with her and we will give eachother lots of attention.

However - she is acting like I never let her out, and she's being what you could call naughty. She can be out of her cage for hours and hours, and the minute I pen her back up, she is knawing on the grids, tossing her food and water, digging at her fleece flooring, throwing hay everywhere, trying to escape, thumping at me, and begging for food even if she has some already.

I don't want to give her the message that acting naughy equals getting attention and treats, so I try to ignore her, but she gets so bad that she physically picks up her pen and moves it across the ground :shock:. Now she's a teeny little rabbit, and this is 22 grids, and she will pick a side up and dump it down over and over again till she's crept it out onto the carpet.

Does anyone have any ideas of how I can keep her occupied? Any toys get ignored after just a minute or so. She likes boxes and things, but always ends up smashing them into her water and food and knocking it everywhere. Not quite sure if she's just being a spoilt princess or she really is bored and lonely :?. Also how can I weigh her pen down so she can't shift it? I tried bricks but it looks messy and scruffy like that.

"Me? Naughty? Never!"


I think I have figured out that she has a 'thing' for the cat and is trying to get out to hump her. She's buzzing like a boy, silly bunny :shock:.

I guess so, I still would have liked some opions on her bun-havior :p.

She's turning into a horny boy rabbit and it's making no sense! Not sure if it's all the extra time I have been spending with her, but she's acting like I'm her mate. She constantly wants to be let out of her cage and follows me around circling, licking, biting at my feet, and buzzing. She's loopy :shock:. If I open up her NIC pen to let her have a ton of room, but I'm on the other side of it, she will just vault over the thing to see me and then goes all silly and buzzy again.

She has never acted like this before so it's puzzling.

Aaaallll day she is doing this "let me out let me out!" thing. Last night she escaped, just knocked the pegs off and climbed out, little brat.



Wow, she sounds like a handful. I think the bricks thing is a good idea, but if you think it looks bad, what about wrapping them in some nice linens/wallpaper piecesor something like that?:) Least it will look nicer and she won't be able to move it about, which is scary!:shock: She is quite the determined bun!
LOL..... I'm sorry Michelle - I know it's difficult (Bo can be a brat like this) but reading what you have said and then looking at the photos...... well it doesn't make sense.....

I think you're fibbing! ;)
From whatI have read, rabbits can go to the vet etc and come back and not recognize each others smell anymore. So maybe she doesn't recognize the other rabbits smell and thinks that her friend she was bonded to is gone. What have you tried in regards to rebonding them?

What about building her something like a cardboard play house so she is distracted by playing? I have put several boxes together and created a playhouse.

That is odd that she is circling you when she is female. The book I am reading says that this is a courtship behavior or it could mean I love you. She could possibly be lonely and confused over her friend being gone. So you are the replacement. It sounds like you are doing the right thing by spending extra time with her. Have you ever thought about building an NIC rabbit Condo? A lot of times ppl can't get the rabbits out of them because they love them so much.

Good luck!
NZminilops wrote:
I guess so, I still would have liked some opions on her bun-havior :p.

aallll day she is doing this "let me out let me out!" thing. Last night she escaped, just knocked the pegs off and climbed out, little brat.



I KNOW this same look/posturing from my bun BAXTER! and I always walk away from it (well I through him "craizins or something so that he won't "hate" me)but its that same "look" of "PLAY WITH ME NOW!" and know your hell..

I think girl buns are probably MOREso problematic (most likely more intelligent - so Lord help you - Baxter! being a boy I guess iseasily sidetracked by anything "shiney or that makes noise"). I'd think that perhaps if you can, at these times give them 10 - 15 minutes of "one-one-one" time, but to NOT, let them out of their pen, they might begin to realize that they DO have your attention (assuming they are tyring to be dominant over you) that they might begin to "rellent"..

Please post what you find (daily would be nice, but obviously you have your hand full, so weekly is acceptabel - LOL!).

Best of luck!
juliew19673 wrote:
NZminilops wrote:
I guess so, I still would have liked some opions on her bun-havior :p.

aallll day she is doing this "let me out let me out!" thing. Last night she escaped, just knocked the pegs off and climbed out, little brat.



I KNOW this same look/posturing from my bun BAXTER! and I always walk away from it (well I through him "craizins or something so that he won't "hate" me)but its that same "look" of "PLAY WITH ME NOW!" and know your hell..

I think girl buns are probably MOREso problematic (most likely more intelligent - so Lord help you - Baxter! being a boy I guess iseasily sidetracked by anything "shiney or that makes noise"). I'd think that perhaps if you can, at these times give them 10 - 15 minutes of "one-one-one" time, but to NOT, let them out of their pen, they might begin to realize that they DO have your attention (assuming they are tyring to be dominant over you) that they might begin to "rellent"..

Please post what you find (daily would be nice, but obviously you have your hand full, so weekly is acceptabel - LOL!).

Best of luck!
PS: Too bad your in NZ and I'm in the USor Baxter! and your girls could have "play-dates" and all might be well! :D
Bo B Bunny wrote:
LOL..... I'm sorry Michelle - I know it's difficult (Bo can be a brat like this) but reading what you have said and then looking at the photos...... well it doesn't make sense.....

I think you're fibbing! ;)

Haha, for realz :p! She is the most naughty rabbit ever :shock:. She looks so cute and innocent, but she's the queen of being baaaaad.

Her latest thing is peeing everywhere when the cat goes near her, which is a wee bit annoying as she lives in carpet, so I've had to lay down newspaper under her fleece.

Thanks for all the replies everybody :D, must have been adding the pictures that got attention, haha, I should put some new onesof her in my blog.
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
I think the bricks thing is a good idea, but if you think it looks bad, what about wrapping them in some nice linens/wallpaper piecesor something like that?:) Least it will look nicer
I forgot to thank you for this idea - I love it! Thanks so much :D, I'm going to try that today.

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