Splay leg bunny

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Nov 8, 2013
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Hi - need advice. Went to a local slaughterhouse/processing facility to see what it was like (couldn't believe it's within a mile of my office!) and saw this poor girl. The owner gave her to me and I had to pay him for another bunny that was in the cage (hated supporting him financially but felt she needed company). So -I'm not a rabbit person. I do dog/cat rescue and have no room! Her rear legs are out 90 degrees from her body. She is - I'm guessing - 2-3 months old. What can I possibly do here? The rabbit rescue is of course full. Went to vet yesterday - have mites and one has a cold so now both on antibiotics and Revolution for mites. Thankfully both female so didn't have to neuter anyone. I'm in Orlando. Thank you!
Did the vet have any suggestions of what to do for the splay leg?

If the bunny is still young enough, sometimes bracing the legs can be helpful in correcting it, but you should talk to your vet about it. If the bunny is older, I don't know how possible it is to try and correct it Here's some info on how to do it:

You will also need to keep an eye on urinary issues. With her not being able to use her hind legs properly, if kept on a solid surface, she could easily get soaked in her own urine. So you will need to work out what to do to prevent this from happening. Here is some info on caring for disabled rabbits:

FYI, as they mature and start getting hormones, fighting is possible, so you may need to split them up until they are spayed.
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