Spinoff from Crisi's dream thread

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Blah~Central, Illinois, USA
Once I started reading these, I believe I ammore comfortable w/ dealing w/ death. Especially since losingBun Bun. She says that animals know where their going beforethey die. I could go on and on and on. A lot of thestuff she talks about really makes sense.

A co-worker was telling us a story a couple weeks ago and I couldn'tbelieve it...She said that she remembers it like it was yesterday andhere goes:

She drempt she was in the clouds and there were a bunch of people belowher all looking up, saying "What is that?" When she lookedup, she said "It looks like Jesus." She said that she washanging from her mid section (she actually imitated the feeling and itlooked exactly like what Sylvia talks about) her head was backwards,her arms were down hanging. She said she felt like somethingwas coming out from her stomach. I freaked out and told herhow Sylvia talks about the silver cord and that is exactly where it islocated. Sounds like an astral travel to me.

I don't really have any experiences like that. Just one, hasanyone ever had those dreams where you try like heck to wake up and youcan't? I think mine happened after an astral travel and I wascoming back in to my body. Hasn't happened again.

If anyone has read any of her work, please respond, this has become oneof my favorite subjects, of course, I've always been intrigued by thissubject.
Can't say I've read Sylvia Browne's books; I didattempt to read one of hers once, but found that some of her ideasweren't exactly the same beliefs as mine. However, a lot of what shedoes write about is shared with many others, and I imagine if I did sitdown and read more of what she has written, I'd probably be able torelate to much of it.

I've spoken to many who have had astral travel and/or near-deathexperiences. One woman I communicated with a few years ago related herstory of near-death to me. She'd gone into the hospital to undergosurgery (a C-section, as she was near full-term with her pregnancy andthere'd been complications), but something went wrong after theprocedure, and they almost lost her. She remembered seeing herselffloat out of her body and toward the ceiling; she saw the doctorsfrantically working on her; she saw her husband, in tears and soafraid; and then she saw nothing but a brilliant white light, and shesaid she met someone who she believed to be Jesus...she wanted to gowith him, but he told her that it wasn't time for her to leave. Shedescribed it as being the most serene, beautiful, loving feeling, likebeing wrapped in a warm woolen blanket of pure love...and when she cameback to her body she knew that death was nothing to fear.

A friend of mine also had an experience once where she felt anattachment to another person through her etheric cord. This happened toher many years ago, and at the time she had no idea what it was, and itactually frightened her. She had, on impulse, enrolled in a yoga class,and when the teacher entered the room, she felt a strange *tug* at hermidsection. She ignored it, and it went away. However, at the end ofthe following class she was walking out to the parking lot and as shegot into her car, that *tug* started up again, and as she drove away itbecame stronger. And then she began to realize that the feeling wasassociated with her yoga teacher. Whenever she was near him, she saidit felt as though there was this invisible cord that ran from herstomach to his...and she desperately wanted to talk to him about it,but was too shy to do so. So she never did find out if he experiencedit too, but she said the feeling was extremely strong with her, almostas if the cord was physically there.

As for myself, I haven't had the type of astral travel dreams that mostdescribe - where they leave their bodies and can actually describe theplaces they go to out of body - but I have experienced them on anetheric level with another person. There is someone I was very attachedto at a soul level, and our souls would meet at night on an ethericplane. It was very strange - there was no ground, or sky - nothing butus, out of our bodies, meeting and communicating with one another. Ialso had a dream about this person once, where I saw him in a yard,standing under a tree with a large red building off to one side, and hewas with his girlfriend. She was dressed in a flowing white gown, and Icould feel his love for her flowing through me, as though he and I wereone, and I realized that I was witnessing them getting married. Twomonths after I had that dream I felt him once again - his soul reachedout to me one day as I was in my backyard mowing my lawn, and heactually *pulled* me into my house and to my computer. The sensationwas so strange; I could almost physically feel his hand on mine,guiding me to go back to the online forum where he and I met. I was intears, because I didn't want to go there, yet I felt too powerless toresist. And as soon as I entered the forum I saw that he had been therenot an hour before me - whereas he rarely went there any more himself,and I never did - and he had posted some pictures. They were of a househe'd just purchased the day before, and to my shock, the property waswhat I'd seen in that dream. The backyard with the red building, andthe tree. Then a year later I heard that he and his girlfriend didfinally get married...in his backyard, under that tree.
LOL Snuffles...makes it sound like Daphne inFrasier ("I'm a bit psychic", as Daphne told Frasier and his dad whenthey met her). I dunno just how psychic I am, but I do believe we allhave the capacity to feel others, and to intuit things. For me, it justhappened that the connection I have had with this man is pretty huge.For instance, on one occasion abouta year after I lostcontact with him, I went through something rather interesting. It wasNew Year's Eve, and I was walking home...missing him, of course, but atthe same time looking forward to a quiet evening at home. I'd plannedon renting some old movies and curling up in a chair with some wine,and was in a pretty good mood, considering. But as I approached homethis strange feeling began to overwhelm me; a deep, dark sadness beganto take over. I had no idea why I was feeling this way, but itdefinitely felt linked to him somehow. At first I thought itwas sadness over missing him, but it was odd how it hit me so suddenly.And even stranger, it didn't feel like it was my own emotions. It feltas though it was his emotions flowing through me. And then I began toenvision his father, but again, no idea why. I started to worry thatsomething was wrong with his dad, but felt (intuited) that his dad wasokay. The sadness seemed to be his, and it was wrapped around hisfather somehow, with whom he was very close. I tried to dismiss thefeeling, but it kept getting deeper and deeper, and it stayed with mefor a full week. And then I felt his soul come to me at night...soupset, so sad...but it was upsetting me so much that I finally managedto block it out.

Three months later I recontacted him, the first time in over a year.There is a long story to this, but the gist of it is that I recontactedhim because I'd been diagnosed with cancer, and my health was goingdownhill quickly. Having reached the end of my rope, and at the urgingof family and friends, I did what I swore I wouldn't do, and I wrote tohim. He responded to my email right away, and told me that he would bethere for support if I needed it. But it was something he mentioned inpassing in his email that really caught my attention, though I didn'tput the two together until a couple of hours after I read it. He toldme that he had recently gone through a loss in his family. Hisstepmother - his dad's wife - had passed away in January, just afterNew Year's, and he had been very upset about losing her, as of course,had his father. And I realized that is what I had been feeling backthen...I had felt his immense sadness over losing his stepmom, and hissadness for his dad.

Many other things have happened to me with regard to him as well...fartoo many to tell. I've never had this sort of connection with anyoneelse in my life, though I have 'picked up' on a few things with people.I truly do believe that all of us on Earth (and in Heaven) areinterconnected, and that many of us don't even realize when they arefeeling that connection. For instance, having someone you know springto mind, only to have them call you later that day, or run into themout of the blue...that is part of connecting with them on a certainlevel. A sudden thought of a deceased loved one, that again comes outof the blue, I like to think is them prompting you to know that theyreally are there with you. Or having them come to you in a dream...it'sall the same thing. There are many ways that messages are given to us,and many ways that we connect with others.

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