Spice Pictures

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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Does anyone else understand how hard it is to get decent pictures of a white bunny in snow?! lol.

I have to post all the funny ones first!

In the middle of hopping away.






Ok, now the rest! lol.

Having fun just digging!












Lucky busy bunnies hopping in the snow. Can tellthat you really love your buns, most people wouldn't stand out in thecold with them!! I can't believe how much they like to dig in the snow,makes me really excited to see my bun's reaction. Boy does that suckthat you already got snow, I went out today and I am so not ready forthe cold:(. I live in Duluth, right on Lake Superior, I am about fourblocks away from the lake and because of our lake we get some extremelywacky weather as well. Sun, Snow, Hail, Sleet, all in one day. We arein for some snow this weekend if the forecaster was right.

Fergi's mom
The first time my dad told me I should let themrun in the snow, I thought he was nuts. I did not think theywouldlike it so much, but now, I realize they love it morethan anything. They can dig and I don't get mad at them, they can rollin it, kick it, flop on it, anything they want. I thought they wouldn'tlike the cold, but aparently it doesn't faze them. They look like theydont want to be on the ground when they first realise there's snow, butthen zoom, they're off and binkying around the run. They love to doextra big hops, it's funny, they are all so high and long when theyfirst go in the snow, but they love it so much.
Crazy bunnies I tell you, lol, I mean I know a few rabbits that would see snow and try to jump straight out of it, lol.

BAR NONE...That first picture Must Be a Card! Good God! Look at thatBunny Dive into the Snow! What a great welcome to Winter.

That's Happiness! :dude:

I enjoyed Every Single Picture you took. You have a Great Skill and Talent in Photography.

There are so few good rabbit cards and pictures out there and Youdefinitely could tap into that market. You're crazy not to at leastmake your own notecards if you don't already.

I don't care if your boys get in their moods, they're Picture Perfect!

What a sweet bun! Fluff used to love toplay in the snow. Guinevere hasnt gone in the snow yetbecause her first winter wasn't really snowy and last winter I wasnthome enough (and it was TOO much snow) But hopefully thisyear =) I love playing in the snow myself.
LuvaBun wrote:
MBBIt's the first time I've noticed Spices' grey patches - I love them.Does he always have them or is it just his winter coat? Makes him looklike a 'designer' bunny - Jan
Grey patches? He has no grey on him, only brown lines and spots.

It's the first picture I want posted in the 2005 Calendar entries.

That is one of my favorite pictures of all time.

For those of us that could live without the snow, that Little Mon sure makes it looks like we're missing out on something.




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