Well-Known Member
Special tax day humor:
This year in the US, there are 7 different ways to file your income
taxes. Unfortunately, all of them are wrong.
One old adage says the only things certain in life are death & taxes,
Unfortunately, though, they don't come in that order.
Seems to me the only possible fair tax structure is one that allows
everyone to cheat evenly.
With the quality of education declining in the US, and even colleges
turning out semi-literate idiots, I understand the IRS is considering
a new simplified tax form where all you have to do is color it in.
The best things in life are free, but sooner or later the government
will find a way to tax them.
The income tax has made more liars out of the American people than
golf has.
There is nothing more permanent than a temporary tax.
Your check is called "Take Home Pay" because that's the only place
you can afford to go with it after all the taxes are taken out.
When I look at my pay stub (with all those tax deductions) and then
look at my paycheck, I wish they would let me cash my pay stub.