Speaking of Hurricanes, an old cross post from my LiveJournal and other blogs

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
Thought ya'll would get a kick out of this..it's kinda old.. but still funny.. none the less..

"So the Hurricane that was suppose to pass us by decided to come by and sit fer a spell. So at 5 am I find myself outside, scampering to save show animals. I have an old pet New Zealand white rabbit that we have retired to a spacious hutch style cage, The whole thing is turned upside down and the rabbit is sittin there looking at me with this face.. I swear to gawd he is screaming at me, in his inner rabbit voice.. *WHAT THE HELL????* ..I realize that I can't get him out without tin snips, and for the moment he is fine, so I move on to my current crop of bunnies. Their entire portion of the barn is gone.. they are just sittin there, in their cages, looking terriffied. So there I am, wind whipping around me, being drowned by torrential rain, and did I mention in said wind, various neighbor's belongings are blowing by me as well? OH and I am in my nightgown. Quite the vision of loveliness! Ok so on all these rabbits they have fans.. I am handing rabbit cages over the barn wall to my son, to get them to the storage shed, that's done, BUT, in my infinite wisdom I decide that I need to save all these fans that I shelled out all this money on. Keep in mind I unplugged everything earlier for fear of electrocution. So I am standing there, repeatedly switching these fans to off and on positions, and I am terriffied because I think the fans are possessed, because they won't turn off. They just keep going faster and faster and faster.. I scream to the wind.. *WHAT THE SAM HELL?*....then my 13 year old son Blake,points out that.. *uh Mom... your in a Hurricane, thats not electricity thats making the fans move, it's gale force winds*... Yanno, I am classified as gifted and talented... at that moment, I felt like a *******.

Soooooooo, moving on... the top is blowing off the portion of barn the pigs are in.. .. I was terriffied! I just knew they were gonna be lost! Ever seen Chicken Little? Yanno Runt of the Litter? When he's eating the corn like a buzz saw and he says *Sorry..nervous eater* Well, all the damn pigs were worried about was if I was out there to feed them. Their home is blowing away, junk's flying all around them, and they are standing at the ready, front hooves in their feeders, snorting and drooling at me for food......now I know why women call some men pigs...

So back to the New Zealand white.. we finally get everybody to safety, all safe and sound, and I go back to him with tin snips. A side story to this is when I wake up, I have to pee, immediatly, no if's and's or but's. In my haste to run out and face death and starving pigs, not only did I wear my nightgown I forgot to pee..so there I am straining sooooooooo hard to right that hutch. I pee'ed on my self. Gives new meaning to the term P**SED OFF! So anyway, I finally cut this rabbit out of his hutch, and he decides to go the furtherest point from me, where I can't reach him. So I scream, top of my lungs, at this 10lb elderly rabbit...*GAWDARNIT I AM WET, IM COLD, IM TIRED ,IM MUDDY AND I HAVE JUST P**SED MYSELF, GET THE HELL OVER HERE RIGHT NOW OR YOU CAN DROWN GAWDARNIT*......so needless to say, the rabbit came post haste.

So, everybody was safe... and as soon as we got all that done... the Hurricane passed.. no more rain, wind, nothing. Just made a huge mess for us to clean up, and an amusing yet kinda graphic story for me to tell...

Prolly more info than ya needed.. huh?

My vet friends response?

*you coulda made the story shorter and wrote.."Rained-relocated animals- incontinent-all done"...