Creamed corn does tend to have a high sugarcontent, and the corn itself is a high-sugar (and fattening) veggie, I have a feeling it wouldn't be the best for your bunnies.Although...cooked corn without added sugar mightn't be a bad thing, ifyou want to keep their body fat up. Maybe some corn on the cob that hasbeen allowed to cool to just slightly warm? Oats is good formaintaining body fat as well.
I don't have too many suggestions, but one thing I used to do for myrabbits (way back in the olden days (

), when I had year-round outdoorPolish) was to take some veggie scraps and cook them in water for abit. I'd toss in a bit of carrot, peas, beans, etc., cook them tillthey were a bit soft in some water, and then let the entire thing cooloff until it was only slightly warm, and I'd feed it to the rabbits,water and all - it was more like a slurry than a soup, as I didn't addtoo much water. They loved it! I didn't do it too often though, and Ididn't feed it to them very I thought it might be detrimentalto give outdoor rabbits something that was too warm. (Actually I haveno idea whether it would be detrimental or not...that was just my gutfeeling about it.)
However, for the most part my outdoor rabbits were fed the regular stuff...rabbit pellets, hay, oats, some veggies, etc....