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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
Reaction score
Massachusetts, USA
well i am finally spaying Snickers! this mean that she will stop marking and spraying, 'grunting', and other things? anything thing else that she will stop doing? she will be spayed friday. how long should i let her rest?

Nancy McClelland wrote:
Our vet told us that females need to be contained.

what do you mean by that? like keeping them in a cage all the time? before she started marking and spraying i would let her run for like 10 minutes every day. how many days until i can take her out? she will get dissolving stitches on the inside i am pretty sure.
ilovepets wrote:
Nancy McClelland wrote:
Our vet told us that females need to be contained.

what do you mean by that? like keeping them in a cage all the time? before she started marking and spraying i would let her run for like 10 minutes every day. how many days until i can take her out? she will get dissolving stitches on the inside i am pretty sure.
Rabbits Vets like for females to stay quiet for a while. My boys were to relax in their crates for 3 days (through the pain meds) and then allow them to venture out. It helps with the healing process. Females go through a lot more than males, so it is wise to give your female bunnies restricted time so that they can heal.

Ask your Vet how long he/she feels your bunny needs to rest. Though they are dissolving stitches, the area still needs to heal and lots of running around can impede the healing process.

Wishing your bunny all the success of a quick surgery and quick recovery.

K :)
We kept buttercup very confined for the first 2-3 days (in a small cage with no ramps, just a litterbox and enough space for her to lay down). Then we moved her back to her usual cage for another 2-3 days, but didn't let her climb/jump. Then we let her out in a small contained space for the rest of the week, still with not much opportunity to jump/climb. After the week was over she was back to complete freedom :)