Spaying questions

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Well, guys, Maisie's just days away from being six months old, so it's now time to start the planning for her getting spayed. ACK!! :shock::shock: The time went by so fast!!

Okay, so I have some very important questions for you guys...

- What sorts of things would you recommend asking a vet to find out if they're a good vet to go to or not? We already have a good recommendation for one that's near us from the shelter that checked out Flower when we first found her (they're also on the list on the House Rabbit Society page...does this make them more reputable?), so they'll be the first place I call.

- Is there anything specific I should require for her procedure, or after procedure things?

- Will she have to stay there for a day, or some such? Or can she come home the day of the surgery?

- Does anyone have any sites or information they can share about after-spay-procedure care? I'm a newbie at this, so I have absolutely no clue what I'm going to need to do.

- I've heard of it being preferable for them to use glue instead of this true?

- I've also read that I should ask the vet to do an all-over checkup while she's under to be sure her health is all in-order. What are your thoughts on this?

- What kind of blood work should I request them to do beforehand to be sure there isn't a health risk in getting her spayed?

- How can I check her surgery site if she's been more prone to biting lately?

Thanks for your time, guys. I just really want to be prepared before I take her in, or even call around to find a good vet.


Quick update: I just read the following link's information on post-surgery care. It helped to clarify some things.

I do have another question though:

- Am I going to have to be sure Maisie's cage is cleaned out well (no hay or shreddies on the floor) before I bring her home after the surgery?

- Will she need to be in a smaller space for a couple days?

Thanks, guys! :)
I would confine her to a smaller cage for a few days. You don't want her jumping around.

I always replace the litter with shredded newspaper, too, so nothing gets in the incision. Yes, keep her area clean for this reason, too.

Thank you so much! Yes, I will be sure.

I did find a vet that is both on the House Rabbit Society's vet page, and on the mac (not sure what it's actual title is) page as well, and it looks like we'll be going with them. They had an excellent recommendation on the mac page, too. :)

Also, one of the other vets I called said they would keep her overnight (which one of the info pages discouraged), so I'll be going with the vet that had the recommendation.

Laura wrote:
Oh, also ask the vet if she can be in the cat room before and after the surgery.

Barking dogs are just too upsetting for the bunnies.
It might be wise to research the glue versus stitching issue. All mine have been stitched. I've heard horror stories about glue sutures failing, but also that some buns will chew stitching open. I have never had a problem with mine so i'm biased in favor of stitching. Glue just doesn't sound like a secure method!
I'm not sure, but I don't think so. I think dissolved stitches are stitches, they just go away? And I think glue is glue. I could be wrong though :D.
Sorry, but i cut & pasted the URL directly from the Mattocks site. The article may be locatable via an Internet search.
maherwoman wrote:
Question: is glue the same thing as dissolvable stitches?

(It might be a stupid question, but worth asking.) :)

No such thing as a stupid question!

And no, they're very different. Dissolving stitches are threads that are used to sew the wound back together. They're usually done like a zipper that, when the vet pulls it tight when he's done, leaves nothing for the rabbit to get a hold of if she tries chewing her wound. Surgical glue is basically glue for skin.

I think some vets use both. My vet uses just dissolving stitches, and after being on this forum for a bit I think I prefer those, at least for spays. There have been some rare instances of rabbits being able to pull at the glue on the wound and reopen it. In my untrained opinion, internal dissolving stitches seem to hold up better to naughty bunnies.
I don't have any stats but stitches just sound more secure to me. I've heard of instances of glue sutures just opening up from the rabbit's normal activity. Glue might be more acceptable in areas where they are under less stress &/or close a smaller incision.
Dissolving stitches sound like a much better option. I'm pretty sure that's what my vet used on Devon and Amber.

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