SPAYED FEMALE or NUETERED MALE, which in your opinion us better and why?

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I don't think one is better than the other. Both have pros and cons. I have 1 neutered male and 2 spayed females as well as 2 intact males and I love them all for different reasons.

If you are not wanting to bond to another rabbit right now, then don't worry too much about the sex. If you are wanting to adopt, then go and visit with the rabbits. You may find one you like. Restricting yourself to one sex over the other can mean you would miss out on the right rabbit for you.
Thank you for responding! Maybe I should worded it better though! I know it all depends on the bunny! But my dilemma is I've read that unseated females have a high chance of female part cancers and males may spray if not neutered, and they are over all a easier pet when they're fixed versus not being fixed. Well at my local humane society, they only spay males, they do not neuter the females, yet I've fallen in live w a female and she's on hold now. The priced to get her fixed elsewhere is OUTRAGOUS, help LOL
Ah, I see.
Intact females can be a bit of a pain. They can be hormonal and some are more territorial. It really can depend on the rabbit though as some are sweet and easy going. As far as the cancers go, it is better to get them spayed. You can try to save up some money to get it done and try calling other vets as well to get different prices. The cancer risks tend to be more for 5 years and up.
For males, not all will spray. I have 2 that don't spray. They do hump a fair bit though. Neutered males should not spray or really hump. They tend to be calmer when neutered, but are still energetic.

Since you are in Florida, I think there are some rescues that can help with the cost of spaying. Even if you have to drive a bit, it can still be much cheaper than what vets will charge you. Try contacting SlaveToABunny on here as I think she works with that sort of thing.
Elizabeth...I can help you with both spays and neuters for $65 through Gainesville Rabbit Rescue. The vet that we use is in Port Orange. We also have many already fixed males and females available for adoption. Our adoption fee is $55. Please PM me if interested in either our low-cost spay/neuter program or adoption program. I would be happy to help with either.
Well I'm happy to say I found a 3 year old bunny that had been at the Halifax humane society awhile..... He will be coming home Monday after he gets fixed!!!! Thanks everyone for your help!!!!!!!!! Now I know where to come when I have more questions!!!!!!!!!! XOXO
I'm so happy that you adopted from HHS! My rescue takes all the buns from there whose "time is up." Adopting from HHS is the same as adopting from Gainesville Rabbit Rescue!! Congrats on your new addition and feel free to contact me if you need anything.
Well i was hoping it would be a male I fell in love w so they would just fix him there bc. If it was a female I was on my own, well it took me quite sometime to decide lol he was there the longest and the oldest (3) and it said on his card the he did not like to be held, well he sure didn't mind me holding him! So he was "the one" lol thank you again for your help! I know I will have more questions when I bring him home Monday!!!!
Congratulations on your new bunny! Glad to hear this older guy will be finding a "forever" home with you!


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