Spayed does and intact males

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
Queens, New York, USA
Do spayed does tolerate being mounted by intact males? I caught my new rabbit Tank mounting Beans....the psycho bunny who no other bunny dares go near and she just layed there and let him! After awhile she took off but i was shocked to actually see her not fight a fellow rabbit.
Maybe Beans just wanted a boyfriend instead of a sisterly friend?;) Spayed/neutered pairs will sometimes mount each other too, and not all buns mind it. The main problem with intact males is that they tend to be obsessive with mounting because they're still doing it for the sex, instead of for dominance like with a neutered bun. I can imagine that would get very irritating after a while. But if he behaves gentlemanly (for an intact male rabbit, at least), then you could bond them before, or without neutering him.
You're definitly right about her not wanting a sisterly friend. I'm gonna get Tank neutered but in the meantime I think i'll try to bond him with Beans. Rice is too scared of him and Marshy isn't spayed yet so maybe Beans would be the perfect match!

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