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Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Ayr, , United Kingdom
Holly will be getting spayed soon after I've returned from holiday so I can keep an eye on her afterwards.

On average, how long does it take for a small (not dwarf) rabbit tofully recover from a spay (or "spey") She is about a year anda half old (maybe older, I don't know all her details.)

Oh yeah. And Hi *waves*
They usually need to be resticted to their cagefor 2 weeks, although some vet recommedations differ. Theyshouldn't be around a male for 3-4 weeks. And my girl didn'tstart growing her fur back for a month and a half, when she started hermolt.

Welcome to the forum!:bunnydance:
When we spayed our doe, we kept her in her owncage for four days. That was about the time she began to tear the cageapart in a temper tantrum to get out and back in her normal cage withthe rest of the herd.

The first few days she wanted to be left alone, which we obliged herexcept for feeding and waterings, although she did like being petaround her cheeks, nose and ears.

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