Spay question! Please Help!!

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Apr 24, 2012
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SWFL, Florida, USA
Okay so my baby Lola got spayed today. I brought her home and the vet told me to keep the cone collar on her for 10 days until she gets her stitches removed. They also told me they gave her pain meds and did not send me home with any. They said I shouldn't need it. She normally drinks out of a water bowl but because of the cone I put the water bottle back in her cage hoping it will be easier for her. But I'm lost for what to do to help her eat. I'm thinking that tonight I'm going to offer her some parsley (because she loves it oh so much) by hand to hopefully get her to eat something. I took out the second level in her cage so she won't be jumping or straining herself. Since she's gotten home today she's just been laying kind of bunched up, not sprawled out or anything. My vet basically told me that I'll be more paranoid over everything than I really need to be but that it's normal for a first time mom going through this with her bun. But I wanted to get some opinions and suggestions from you guys since you are all so much more experienced.

And I just can't help but feel so bad for my baby being trapped in that cone! :(
I would take off the cone. None of my rabbits have ever needed on and they have not messed with the incision. Most rabbits tend to leave it alone, so don't need a cone anyway. The cone can stress out a rabbit more and prevents them from eating the cecotropes easily.
I would want pain meds though. I am sure my vets gives more than needed (usually enough for about 10 days for females), so I may be spoiled with that. I know I would hate to have such an invasive surgery without pain control. If your vet won't give anything, try calling other vets to see if they will give you something. She is probably not moving around much because she is in pain. The pain can also make them not want to eat which can become dangerous in a very short time.
Oh no, sorry about this. I have an upcoming spay and I'm worried
Ike crazy!

I called several vets and when I found the one I liked, he also said they don't use collars either.

As far as eating, he did say that can be a problem after. I think I read on here that someone got their bun to eat pumpkin through a syringe?? Check with your vet on that to be sure! But from what I understand you just need to get something in them so their digestive system doesn't shut down.

Good luck. Let us know how it turns put. I need all the advice for Agnes's spay!
They usually will eat pumpkin if you put some on a romaine leaf or whatever & hold it to their mouth.

I can't imagine having to leave the cone on for 10 days. Had you been to this vet before?
I haven't had to spay a female, but if I got three days of pain meds for my boys, I would think my Vet would give me something a little bit longer for my female. Kate is so right when this is truly an invasive surgery. When I think of what my Luna will go through and to get her back on her feet, my boys had an easy journey. I would take off that cone too. My dog was a mess with one on, I can't imagine any of my bunnies being able to relax and heal with that on. I would get some pain meds. Pain will stop a bunny eating. And with the anesthesia she was under, she really needs to stimulate her digestive system, that's why Vet hold until they see it starting, and keep it going.

Will be thinking of your Lola. Please keep us updated. Hoping this ordeal is over quickly and she can enjoy life again.

I have spayed two girls and neutered one boy. No one used a cone and I couldn't imagine putting them in one.

My boy got 3 days of pain medicine but my girls got a week since it is more invasive. If she is sitting hunched up it sounds like she is miserable and in pain. Even with the meds she's not going to be her normal happy self, but certainly not so obviously miserable.

Pumpkin is a great thing to get them to eat. If you have to you can also use critical care. If the pain level is too high she won't want to eat.
Derby was neutered yesterday and he was sent home with 3 days of metacam. Get hold of your vet and tell them you want some pain meds for her. They will not eat if they are in pain, then you are looking at GI Statis complications. If they wouldn't give you some phone around until you find a vet that will. This is super important.
:yeahthat: Didn't have to worry about the males and did give the females pain meds for a couple of days. If you can be there and supervise, I'd take the cone off. Only needed for a couple of days. We had problems with only one--Beth would take the cone of in ten seconds or less no matter how tight. She was okay during the day, but the first night she took out most of her stitches and we had to get her stapled. One out of 27 isn't too bad. All of ours used bottles and were able to eat out of their hay manger and food crocks okay.
Being a rescue person, I have probably had close to 100 rabbits spayed/neutered. I have never had one sentenced to a cone. Take it off! You most certainly need paid meds.
Thank you guys for all of the advice! So I talked to my vet and she said she would give me pain meds if she seemed like she needed it but she was given enough to last through Friday. So, I've been watching her and she's be so active it's really surprised me! She's been hopping around and licking our faces and wanting to play since Friday night. The vet also told us that we could take the cone off as long as we're watching her so she doesn't rip out the stitches. So we've been leaving it off while we're at home and someone is able to watch her (which is almost all the time) and only had to put it on her while we went out yesterday for about an hour just because we have caught her trying to pull out her stitches numerous times.

She's been eating since Thursday night (she had the spay done Thursday morning). I started her off slow to make sure she would handle the food well and Friday morning she was eating and drinking like normal!

I think she's a little mad that we took the second level of her cage out because she loves to lay on top sprawled out but it's for her own good!

Other than that she's been acting pretty normal and I'm taking her Saturday to get her stitches taken out. Yay!
So thrilled to hear of the excellent progress. She'll get over being mad and this will be a thing of the past real soon!
