Sparky's Blog

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
As some have you know, Me and my Mom have been wanting a dog for a while now.

Mom wanted a Tea-cup...I wanted a Pomeranian. So..When we finnaly found a Tea-cup Pomeranian in a local pet store, we both were ecstatic.

Sparky was an SPCA Dog's Pup. She had given birth at the SPCA and every week, the owner of the local pet store goes and picks out a few pup's and brings them back.

We braught him home, Febuary 22. He was 11 weeks and 2 days. (His birthday is December 5th) and weightd 4 pounds.

His first ever nickname was Pooper, Mainly because as soon as I put him down from the drive from the pet store, He pooped.

I have to go for now, But I shall put the pictures I took yesterday onto photobucket.
I was told he was 4 pounds, But I think he may be less.

But we will find out tonight. Were bringing him to the vet to get his second needle. And get an all around check up. So I will post pictures of him later. An I may even try a picture with both him and Babii.
Hii all,

We braught him to the vet yesterday, Hes 2 pounds 11 ounces.

Hes all good but we found out something.

Mom noticed that the pet store dint give us sparky's papers ( he was thought fullbreeed) but the vet said hes probably 75% pom, and 26% something.

But we paid for pure breed...They gipped us.

Hes still not housetrained.Eats up the Pee-Pads.
Puppies take A LOT of work, and A LOT of patience, especially small dogs. They want to only be with you, and need a lot of reassurance they are doing things right. My one year old Chihuahua is completely house trained, but won't go outside without me, and everytime he needs to be reminded what a good boy he is and what a great job he did, or everything gets throw out the window because he's not convinced he did what was right. Their whole lives revolve around your praise and love. All dogs are the same, but small dogs are more sensitive.

I find it really really strange that a petstore takes puppies from the shelter, and sells them. You should still have to go through the adoption process. But regardless, if that is true, then that's great. If your puppy did come from a shelter, it's likely he's not 100% purebred. The shelter wouldn't have had papers on him - I wouldn't imagine. Did they tell you he had papers?
No, They wont give us the papers saying he is pure bred Pom

And they said when my mom asked that they couldn't find them.

..Witch is why the vet thinks he is not a pure bred.
And they False advertised.

But anyways. Today he did 2 pees on the pee-pad. Got some treats and lots of praise with those.

I'll get the pictures up tomorrow, It's already 10 here and I have school tomorrow.

P.S Is there something I can do to make him pee more on the pad. Theres a spray I baught (pretty expensive) and it suposivly attracks dogs, and makes them need to pee. But it stinks..It litterally smells like skunk.


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