Sparky is getting shaved.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
Most of you heard what happed last time we braught Sparky to the groomers. Well.. his butt hair is out of control.. It's horrible!

His fur is weird that it sticks out, it dosn't flop down. I would give it a good..3 inches. He sits down and it collects dust. My mom likes it but im tired of him getting stuff stuck in his butt fur.

Im going to go shave it soon. It's out of control. I'm not sure how hes going to reactt.. I may have to put a muzzle and leash on him. I'll take some pics if you don't mind his butt.
Brandy456 wrote:
Okay his bum fur was soo thick, it broke the trimmer... :rollseyes
Duuude... That's serious, I have groomed collies for a lot of years and never had that happen. What breed is he? Good luck with him.
Never heard of previous adventures with grooming with Sparky but it doesn't sound like it went well.

If he acts up during it (thats what it sounds like to me) then why not get him sedated when being groomed, less stress on everyone that one. I'm not one to usually suggest sedation for grooming but sometimes its the only way to avoid injury and stress.

Is the hair matted there? I used to work in a groomers and never met any dog who's hair broke the trimmers unless it was severly matted and usually once we removed it it was one nasty sight of infection (and at one time maggots).
Is he a wire coated dog? The way you discribe the hairs, it sounds like ti. If so, you may opt to pull the hairs in the fashion groomers do when they have a wire coated terrier.

Sparky is a Pom. It's pretty funny how I finished off..

Under his bum it's flat and nice.. and then about and inch and a half down. BAM . It's puffy again. My mom laughed. He was actually pretty good.. I put the muzzle on just incase but he din't say a word. He stood on his two front paws while i layed his back ones on my lap.

I'll find the link from when he was groomed...

Petsmart... I've come to not trust alot of groomers but none do I trust less then them.

I don't like the idea of tying dogs up when grooming, I don't like that those who I have met who worked there or those I have watched grooming there had no idea how to use a dremmel, I don't like alot of things they do.

The groomer I worked at never tied the dogs to the tables or tubs. The owner didn't like the idea of it and said it made the dogs stress out more when they were tied, and if they paniced it could turn ugly. We did alot of problem dogs that no one else would do too and did it well. The owners couldn't believe it. I remember a couple of dogs that were regulars, one had the pads of one paw completely torn off because some idiot at Petsmart didn't know how to use a dremmel. That dog was a nightmare to do nail trims but we were the only place that would do it. Another dog while at the groomers went to bite them (he was a puppy at the time, first time being at the groomers) the groomer shoved it off the table and did a number on his muzzle. 4 years later the dog is still having surgeries to repair the damage to his muzzle(broken/shattered bone, and is now disfigured and can't breath properly).

Poor guy looked like a rat/lion... but looks alot better then if they just shaved him bare to the skin. Ick.
you haven't seen fur until you've tried to groom a Samoyed!

I gave up on the groomers when the last one I took her too SHAVED her...what I said was a "short summer cut" the word shaved never came out of my mouth! I had to check her tags when I went to get her! she looked like an overgrown Chihuahua!
now was the most comfortable summer of her life but still!

the trick is to do short stints.....first with just brushing/combing and working your way to the trimmer...lots of praise, lots of treats...if they know there's a snausage in the offing they'll behave! LOL
I went to wal-mart bought a 50 dollar trimmer and did her myself....
I didn't do a great job...she certainly looked like a hair job gone very wrong....but I was going for comfort not's'll grow back! LOL

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