Spank, Muffy, Labrador, and Savannah say hello from Vancouver, Canada!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Hello! I'm so glad to have found a forum dedicated to bunnies!

I foster for a local SPCA as well as house 4 of my own =] But I have a question.

I've recently moved into a house where the yard isn't fenced off. My buns used to take turns in the back yard where they'd run free during sunny days. I want to recreate this, but I have no idea on how to build my own outdoor pen.

Any ideas?

Hi April! I'm in BC as well :D. We have quite a few active BCers here.

You could try using X-pens or make a pen out of NIC grids. If you useNIC grids, youcould zip tie themso the pen can becollapsible.If you are handy, you could also make a pen out of wood frames and wire :D. I have never made an outdoor pen, but I am planning to next spring, so will be interested on other opinions and ideas!
:hellowelcome to RO!!! :wave:

I've never had outdoor buns, so I'm not much help here, but I'll see what I can find!!!! :)

Do you have any pics? We LOVE pics!!!!! :p

-TK :)

Here are a couple sites that might help, :rabbithop I'm not sure how good this site is, I just came acrossed it on google, but it might have some helpful hints. This is about rabbit houseing, but it has good info!! This site comes up EVERY SINGLE time I've googled anything eith the word home made!

Hope I was some help,

-TK :)

Thanks guys!!

No, I do not have any pics other than Spank in the profile pic. And the only reason why I have that picture is because that was his shelter pic on the adoption page.

My camera is at another friend's house, and I'm trying to get it back to take pics of my little ones =P

And where do I buy NIC grids?
Welcome to the forum PixieStixxxx! :wave:

You could find NIC grids at Costco (if they have stock), London Drugs,or Walmart.
Costco is usually the cheapest, and they come in different colours. :goodluck
I bought mine at Extra Foods or the Superstore :D. They sometimes go by different names, we don't have 'NIC' here, but there's the RubberMaid brand, and the other is Organize Cubes or something. They come in a little pack of wire grids.
Hi April!

ANother Vancouverite here. :)

The yard question is a tough one. NIC panels are okay but notgreat for that, they're a bit of a pain.You can't make a huge run unless you buy a ton of them, a lot of bunnies can jump them when they're only two panels high, and they're not all that sturdy as pens. X-Pens aren't much better (andthey're tiny, the bunnies can't run in them).

We hadbunnies out in the yard in an x-pen, Dawn wassitting in there with them when a big dog came by on a leash and just lunged at them, and I keep thinking withoutalll of that -- the leash,people in with the bunnies and the fact the bunnies didn't panic -- it could have been disasterous.

And there are so many brazen coyote reports. Scary! :nerves1

Whatever fencing you use, I'd build them a 'fort' out ofboxes or even wood with a series ofbunny-sizeentrances, exits, levelsand tunnels so they have escape routes and places to hide. (They'd love that anyway). And of course stay in there with them.

I waslooking into buying new (pricey) or used roll fencing, still not sure what's out there. I know Craigslist often has offers of all kinds of free wood and sometimes wire fencing if you have a way of picking it up and installing it (and if your landlord lets you).

Anyhoo, welcome to the forum! Nice to have a neighbour here! :)

sas :wave2

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