Sore spot under chin

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Hi there,

Jordi has a sore spot around 1/4" in diameter on the top of her dewlapright under her chin. This is the second time she's had it. Last timeit went away on it's own, but I was wondering if anyone else hadencountered this. It seems like she's over grooming it and it getsirritated...? It's red and sore because she's groomed the hair rightoff of it.


PS I'll try and get my hubby to send a pic from home.
Try putting Neosporin on it, butyou'll have to watch to make sure she doesn't lick it off. I don't knowwhat causes it, but sometimes my white Flemish get little sore spots,one doe does this on her hindquarters and the other would get them onher shoulders, right behind her head. I always put the Neosporin on itand it will go away in a couple of days, but it tends to come back. Ihave noticed it only happens in the summer, though. Is your bunnyinside or outside?

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