Helen Thomas
My 3 year old mini-lop (Ramsey) has red sore hocks, they don't look infected but just very angry. We took him to the vet about 2 weeks ago and she prescribed some antibiotics as a precaution in case of infection. but that was it. From looking at forums we have tried Sudacreme & Calendula lotion, the sores don't seem to be getting any worse but don't seem to be getting any better either. I have ordered some Dermagel online but this hasn't arrived yet. I am really at a loss for what is causing the problem. Ramsey is a house rabbit, his cage has a plastic bottom covered with newspaper and thick layer of hay, I was using recycled paper pellet cat litter in his litter tray (which I think may have started the problem) but have since replaced with Carefresh. I am regularly keeping an eye on his litter and when wet topping up with more Carefresh so he is not sitting in wet litter and changing his litter tray every 2 days. He has the run of most of the house which is carpeted, we used to lock him in his cage overnight but as he spent most of the night sitting in his litter tray he is now free range 24/7. His nails are regularly trimmed & he is not overweight. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong that may be causing the sore hocks? Its getting very frustrating as his feet look so sore and nothing seems to be working...PLEASE HELP!!!