Sophie would rather cuddle than run around?

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Sophie's Humble Servant

So this is really odd to me...but the last week I've noticed that Sophie is choosing to sit on the couch with me and Chipsie(my cat) rather than run around like she usually does.

She isn't ill. She is eating, drinking, pooping, peeing like normal.

I didn't pay this new behaviour any attention at first but I've noticed she's pretty much stopped her late evening running/binkying sessions. All she wants to do is sit with us on the couch on her blanket and get petted and snuggled!

It's pretty awesome and cute but is this a problem? I'm worried that she's choosing love over exercise!! Well, I can't argue with that logic lol but I just want to hear what anyone's opinion is on this?

Is this a problem? Is Sophie going to turn into a lazy sod couch potato or what?

Thanks in advance guys/gals, I know I have some strange questions and concerns lol but I appreciate your feedbacks:)
I have a couch potato as well. He still runs around and binkies and what not, especially when he's running around the yard. He mostly prefers to sit on the couch and watch tv though. Wouldnt worry about it too much.
I have a couch potato as well. He still runs around and binkies and what not, especially when he's running around the yard. He mostly prefers to sit on the couch and watch tv though. Wouldnt worry about it too much.

But did your guy used to run around more, then evolve into a couch potato? Or was he a couch potato from the beginning? I've had Sophie for 6 months and she's always loved running around at night but now she just wants to get face rubs and she's tooth purring like crazy!

I was just kind of surprised at the sudden change in behaviour over the last week.

She's also started licking the sofa where she likes to sit. She also does this beside her cage but now she also licks the sofa.
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Maybe she's just bonding with you. She's spent a few months around you getting comfortable and now she's happy to spend time with you.
As long as her eating, pooping, and peeing is normal, and her behavior the rest of the time is normal, I would think that she's just finally settling into her home and is starting to feel completely comfortable. She's also probably settling down a bit as she's maturing.
I agree with Jenny aka JBun. I think Sophie has settled into her new home with you & wants to spend time with you. Is the evening when you mostly relax with Chipsie on the couch? If so, I think Sophie is just wanting to be with you & have her place in the family & on the couch! lol Wish my bunnies were a bit more of a snuggle bunny but I still love them just the way they are!
Yes the evening is when I'm mostly relaxing on the couch, watching tv. Sophie likes to sit with us around 9 or 10pm and she spends a lot of time right beside us.

I still can't believe that she was given up on by her previous humans because of alleged fearfulness and apathy to wanting to bond. I think she's doing awesome so far! I was just concerned that she's not getting enough exercise, that's all.

Her condo door is always open and I'm at home most of the time but she isn't doing her crazy runs in the evening like she used to. I guess I can't force her to exercise but I just don't want her to get chunky.

I'm glad to know that she's really liking me and Chipsie! It's funny because as soon as I stop rubbing her face she gets up and nudges me or she shuffles about like "hey, groom me servant!" Lol
Have you thought about a bunny agility course that the two of you could do together or "Bunny Ball?" My bunny, Faith & sometimes Hope likes to play bunny ball with me. Its kind of bunny soccer, I roll the ball to her & she nudges it with her nose to get it to roll back to me! I'm also working on our "Bunny Basketball!" lol They still seem to prefer Bunny Soccer Ball to basketball but its another way to play ball! I'm also hoping to get to make some things for a bunny agility course this fall. I'm into interactive play with my animals.
Heh heh yes we play something similar but I call it noseball nudge..I guess it's like soccer without the goal posts! Sophie isn't very good at throwing yet, she mostly just holds the toy in her mouth and swings her head from side to side LOL...she forgets to let it go:)

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