Something's wrong with Blossom

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BunBun Mom

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
, Alabama, USA
I noticed this after a few days here.After she's out and hopping everywhere she'll stop and her head andfront legs sway to one side. At first I thought it washypoglycemia b/c she looks like a tiny puppy that has that problem. So,I've made she has food all the time. She's still doing it. Itwas worse last night. Didn't slow her down any!! She would run, stopand sway then take off. I'm kind of worried it might be seizures fixingto start b/c when she does that she looks disoriented and seems to notsee to good to. She hasn't completely fell over just sways back andforth.

I'm taking her to work with me and checking her ears along with other things. Anyone else have a bunny that did this?
She really needs to get to the vet fortesting. Inner ears problems can affect the rabbit'sbalance. Some common causes are mites, ear infection or amicroscopic parasite called E. cuniculi. I have found Ivomecto be very helpful in treatment.

Poor little thing. I was just lookingat her beautiful picture in the post above, BunBun Mom.Please keep us posted. I'll say a prayer that she'll getbetter. Give her some love and a kiss from me.

Hope Blossom would be O.K. Sorry tohear she has all these difficulties. She's too pretty of abunny to have these problems. Please let us know how she does.

Her ears checked out perfect and so did everything else...yeah! No coccidia too...Yipeee!

She did have the swaying thing while at work and almost fell over,right after she ran around the reception area like her butt was onfire.Doc saw it and thought it was hypoglycemia too. He saidhe's only seen a few baby bunnyswith that problem.It should stop as she gets bigger.

Getting off subject now....she loves going to work with me!! Thereceptionist opens her carrier and she's all over the place. Everyclient that comes in "oh's and aww's" over her. I think she knows ittoo b/c she'll stand on her back legs and look at them. She's funny!! Iwas planning on introducing her to Benny in the reception area but nowwill have to do it somewhere else in the clinic b/c she thinks thatsher spot. She even ran off the clinic cat today...hahaha. You could seethe look on his face...."That's a strange looking cat". We were dyinglaughing at him. He kept peeking off the edge of the counter.

Thank God, BunBun Mom.

So what do you have to do for the hypoglycemia? Do you have to putBlossom on a special diet? No white sugar, just glucose? How long willit last? Does it turn into diabetes later in life?

I can't believe she hams it up the way she does at work!! Good Lord!The girl can work it, ey? Isn't it fun and so heart-warming to seepeople look at her with love and get as big of a kick out of her as wedo?

Thanks for the news. Thoughts and Prayers worked. :)

If you'll just update me on the update when you have a chance, I'd really appreciate it.

Honey is practically pure glucose, so would behelpful when the rabbit appears particularly weak. However,no testing was mentioned. The vet could not diagnosehypoglycemia by merely observing the rabbit, especially since rabbitsare so prone to inner ear problems. Before pushing theglucose, I would get a definitive diagnosis, since the added sugars arenot normally good for the rabbits digestive system.

Sorry I was in a hurry earlier and should havesaid that we did do a blood chemistry on her and her glucose was 87 thefirst time which is within the normal range. We pulled blood on herright after her episode and it had dropped to 68. We gave her a littlenutrical and she perked up. About 30 min later, we ran her blood againand her glucose was back up to 82.

I just have to make sure she has plenty of food to basically refuelherself b/c she's extremely active. As soon as I get her out, she'lllay in my lap for awhile then it's atleast 20-30 minutes on non-stopfull speed running, hopping and leaping in the air.

She shouldn't have any problems as she gets bigger. She's still skinnybut not as bad as when we first got her.....I blame that along with allthe bite wounds on herback & back legs on the placeshe came from that had 10 other bunnies (all sizes) and her in a maybea 2' square pen.