Some thing is wrong with my chickens they keep dying.

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Jul 21, 2009
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don't know what is going wrong they are eating and drinking but they are getting skiny and then die. The two that died were RIR, Silkie the third one which is a heavy bread mix is not dead yet but showing the same symptons real skinny not moving around much the others pick on her but her crop is full......... I have noticed that the last two bags of cracked corn I bought has had some mold in it would that be causing it????? Please help:?
Sorry I don't think I'll be much of a help but I highly recommend you contact a vet asap to seek help. One of them might have caught a disease and spread it around. Not sure if the mould would have an impact or not. I hope your last chicken will be okay. :pray:
Stop feeding the chickens the corn right away!

That mould is poisoning them! Contact your vet and make sure your birds have plenty of water!
it sounds like it might be impacted crop. if their crops are full in the mornings then they aren't able to move their food thru and are starving. Do you have grit for them to eat ( crushed granite) do you have them only on corn?? I don't think that is a good thing don't they need more? I have also read that you shouldn't feed them cracked corn in the summer months because it can heat them up too much? You can give it to them in a limited amount in the eves after it cools down.

I'm sorry you are losing you chickens. What does their poop look like?? Any blood in it?
If you find mold in any feed throw it out. Chickens shouldn't really be fed too much cracked corn- it can block the crop and not allow any other food to pass. You need to be feeding them a all purpose feed and give them the cracked corn in small amounts as either a supplement or treat.


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