Well-Known Member
I've been giventemporary care of a neighbours rabbit while they go away, and I'mreally pleased about it - it's a lovely bunny. It's a lop, I think adwarf lop but not too sure, and the neighbours have not really beentaking very good care of her. She is a bit fat and needs to go on adiet as they feed her silly things like cookies and bananas (everyday!). She does get lots of grass and I bring hay over for her and hertoiletry end looks good, nice solid poops.
I'm excited about it as they are going away for 7 weeks, that gives metime to try and help the bunny out, she needs to exercise and eatbetter.
The thing that I am worried about with her is that she is showing signsof being in late pregnancy. She has enlarged nipples and if she liesdown on her side I can see shapes rippling under her fur. I rested myhand on her tummy very gently and there is definetly some activitygoing on in there, it might just be digestion but it seems to be morethan that. They did have another rabbit there for a while but they gaveit away, it was a similar sort of rabbit to her. Her name is Clover bythey way - forgot to mention that part!
Is it ok to make any changes to her diet at this point considering shemay be with kits? I don't want to upset her too much. If this needs tobe moved to the rabbitry please do so, I wasn't sure where to post
*edit: I meant to say possibly under the title, can someone change that for me? Thanks
I'm excited about it as they are going away for 7 weeks, that gives metime to try and help the bunny out, she needs to exercise and eatbetter.
The thing that I am worried about with her is that she is showing signsof being in late pregnancy. She has enlarged nipples and if she liesdown on her side I can see shapes rippling under her fur. I rested myhand on her tummy very gently and there is definetly some activitygoing on in there, it might just be digestion but it seems to be morethan that. They did have another rabbit there for a while but they gaveit away, it was a similar sort of rabbit to her. Her name is Clover bythey way - forgot to mention that part!
Is it ok to make any changes to her diet at this point considering shemay be with kits? I don't want to upset her too much. If this needs tobe moved to the rabbitry please do so, I wasn't sure where to post
*edit: I meant to say possibly under the title, can someone change that for me? Thanks