Some 4H questions

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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, Texas, USA
Art was talking to a friend who has kids in 4H and the friend happened to mention that there is no "pet rabbit" leader for the 4H group and hasn't been one for a long time.

I am seriously considering doing this - but I know almost nothing about 4H....all I know is that it was stated that they had curriculum that could be used for it.

I'm wondering how 4H runs their pet projects - I know I mentioned this on the main forum but figured I might get some more detailed responses here.

For instance - are 4H show rules the same as ARBA? Are they different from state to state?

If I did this - I would want to tailor it more towards my style of working/teaching. Let me give a couple of examples...

For one meeting I would like to go over good/bad foods for rabbits. I would have a table with various types of foods on it - and a mixing bowl ("good" and "bad") on either end. I would have a list and have the kids circle the good foods - then go through each of them and put them in the appropriate mixing bowl as we discussed them.

Then (depending upon how many kids I had) - I'd send them home with some craisins and raisins and stuff so they could see just what their rabbits like.

For another class we'd learn about handling rabbits (this would be an early one) and we'd practice picking up rabbits and maybe even grooming them. I'd like to send the kids home with a grooming brush too (I know - expensive for me - but we live in a poor rural area).

We'd discuss breed types and learn them by groups at least (the dwarfs, the lops, the meat rabbits, etc).

I thought that for each meeting I'd bring in one or two of my rabbits since I have Flemish, Californian, Holland Lop, Lionhead, Lionlop, Beveren, Netherland dwarf, etc. This way the kids could see the different sizes and types of breeds.

Thoughts? Comments?

I've been googling a lot about 4H and pet rabbit projects...thought we could work on showmanship too and I'm finding a lot of resources.

My problem is - time commitment. How long is a 4H meeting usually? How often do they meet? Once a month? How big is a group usually?

I'd really like to hear thoughts and comments. I may contact the local 4H leader in the next two weeks to find out more information - I am still in the "mulling it over" stage.

TinysMom wrote:
Art was talking to a friend who has kids in 4H and the friend happened to mention that there is no "pet rabbit" leader for the 4H group and hasn't been one for a long time.

I am seriously considering doing this - but I know almost nothing about 4H....all I know is that it was stated that they had curriculum that could be used for it.

I'm wondering how 4H runs their pet projects - I know I mentioned this on the main forum but figured I might get some more detailed responses here.

For instance - are 4H show rules the same as ARBA? Are they different from state to state? I'm not very sure about the rules...I know as far as type judging goes, they're the same; but there are other fun learning classes that go on for 4-Hers, such as judging competitions, bunny races, etc.

If I did this - I would want to tailor it more towards my style of working/teaching. Let me give a couple of examples...

For one meeting I would like to go over good/bad foods for rabbits. I would have a table with various types of foods on it - and a mixing bowl ("good" and "bad") on either end. I would have a list and have the kids circle the good foods - then go through each of them and put them in the appropriate mixing bowl as we discussed them. I personally think this is amazing!! That would be so fun and very educational! Heck, even I would love to do something like that! It's so important for kids to know what foods are good/bad for their rabbits.

Then (depending upon how many kids I had) - I'd send them home with some craisins and raisins and stuff so they could see just what their rabbits like.

For another class we'd learn about handling rabbits (this would be an early one) and we'd practice picking up rabbits and maybe even grooming them. I'd like to send the kids home with a grooming brush too (I know - expensive for me - but we live in a poor rural area).

We'd discuss breed types and learn them by groups at least (the dwarfs, the lops, the meat rabbits, etc). Both of these are also great ideas! :)

I thought that for each meeting I'd bring in one or two of my rabbits since I have Flemish, Californian, Holland Lop, Lionhead, Lionlop, Beveren, Netherland dwarf, etc. This way the kids could see the different sizes and types of breeds.

Thoughts? Comments?

I've been googling a lot about 4H and pet rabbit projects...thought we could work on showmanship too and I'm finding a lot of resources.

My problem is - time commitment. How long is a 4H meeting usually?Depends. Usually about 1 to 2hours.How often do they meet?Depends on the group.Most only meetonce to twice a month.Once a month? How big is a group usually? Once again it depends, lol. My group right now has about less than 20 kids in it. All rabbit/cavy and I think one kitty person ;) I wouldn't think a club is much over 20...normally horse clubs are, but not bunny clubs.

I'd really like to hear thoughts and comments. I may contact the local 4H leader in the next two weeks to find out more information - I am still in the "mulling it over" stage. I think contacting a 4-H leader would be a great idea!

My answers to your questions are in bold, Peg! :)

So this something overall that you would enjoy in a group? I'm thinking about taking a month or two in the springtime to work on rabbit hopping....and I thought I'd buy them leashes and halters or something.

Another month I thought I'd have gourmet hays from Barbie Brown and hand them out baggies of the various hays and track which hay(s) their rabbits liked the best.

Whatever the expenses are - I wanted to be able to cover on my own. I thought that at the first meeting (depending upon how many kids) - I'd try to have at least a cat carrier for every member who needed one to transport their rabbit. This way - they could bring them to meetings.

Oh yes - one session would be partly on sexing bunnies too.

I'd like to have a handout for the kids to take home to their parents too every month so the parents would know what we worked on - what we'll be doing the next month - and - what (if any) "homework" there is.

Robin and I have been talking - and if I decide to do this - I will probably do one breeding to have some pet rabbits. We would like to breed Harriet - my super sweet - awesome maned - buck - to Sierra - Darla's daughter who has a super mane, etc. I know we'd get chestnuts - but they would have a great temperament (which I think is important in a pet) and manes - which means the kids who had these rabbits would have to learn to groom them.
I know nothing about 4-H but your ideas sound fab Peg!
This sounds really cool, We don't have this in Ireland but It sounds really interesting, Your ideas are brilliant the children would be bunny experts in no time! Plus you seen already very dedicated.
For instance - are 4H show rules the same as ARBA? Are they different from state to state?

4-H differs from state to state, and even county to county. Some areas have large fairs which offer ARBA sanctioned open and youth shows, some areas have small fairs which only feature a 4-H youth show and is not sanctioned by ARBA.

Our county is the smaller option. Because it is not sanctioned, they are a lot more lenient on the kids than ARBA. For example, a rabbit with a disqualification such as overweight, unrecognized color, missing a nail, etc. would place lower but would not be DQ'ed from the show. The judge will explain to the child that this is not an ideal trait of the breed, but the child will still be able to show.

There is also usually a showmanship class. But as I said, 4-H varies a lot in different areas, so it is best to talk to other leaders in your area and decide what is expected of you, or how you could tweak the system to your ideas instead.:)

If I did this - I would want to tailor it more towards my style of working/teaching. Let me give a couple of examples...

For one meeting I would like to go over good/bad foods for rabbits. I would have a table with various types of foods on it - and a mixing bowl ("good" and "bad") on either end. I would have a list and have the kids circle the good foods - then go through each of them and put them in the appropriate mixing bowl as we discussed them.

Then (depending upon how many kids I had) - I'd send them home with some craisins and raisins and stuff so they could see just what their rabbits like.

For another class we'd learn about handling rabbits (this would be an early one) and we'd practice picking up rabbits and maybe even grooming them. I'd like to send the kids home with a grooming brush too (I know - expensive for me - but we live in a poor rural area).

We'd discuss breed types and learn them by groups at least (the dwarfs, the lops, the meat rabbits, etc).

I thought that for each meeting I'd bring in one or two of my rabbits since I have Flemish, Californian, Holland Lop, Lionhead, Lionlop, Beveren, Netherland dwarf, etc. This way the kids could see the different sizes and types of breeds.

Thoughts? Comments?

This is an excellent idea, as most 4-H clubs do not get this knd of in-depth hands-on experience. However, this is very much what 4-H is about and would be an excellent learning opportunity for kids of all ages. I recently heard of a group near us that has a rabbit club picnic and all their kids got to bring and show off their bunnies. Something like that would be so much fun for the kids!

My problem is - time commitment. How long is a 4H meeting usually? How often do they meet? Once a month? How big is a group usually?

Generally, again, this varies. It's pretty much up to the leader and how much time and effort you want to put into it. The meetings in our county are once a month for about an hour, but you could do it more often. Our group is probably between 25-40ish kids...not a ton, but a pretty big group. Generally, only around 20 and their parents might show up to any one meeting.

Hope this helps!
Thanks so much for your comments. I really appreciate them a lot.

I think before I speak to the 4H leaders here, I will make up a tentative plan (month by month) of the topics I would like to cover - perhaps having a Christmas party where the bunnies can come (have to figure out how to keep the bucks away from the does) and they'd have a stocking of some homemade toys or something. I don't much to think about.

I may post some of the topic ideas here and get y'alls opinions once I think them through.
TinysMom wrote:
I think before I speak to the 4H leaders here, I will make up a tentative plan (month by month) of the topics I would like to cover - perhaps having a Christmas party where the bunnies can come (have to figure out how to keep the bucks away from the does) and they'd have a stocking of some homemade toys or something. I don't much to think about.
I'd do it just like a show- have everyone bring the rabbits in carry cages, pet taxis, or a harness and lead. Really, the rabbits should be kept away from each other simply for the fact that they might fight. So I'd just explain that to the kids and I think all would go ok.

Maybe you could ask each member to bring 1 bunny treat. It could be some homemade bunny biscuits, a little decorated baggie of oats, some carrots tied with a bow, etc. And then make up some way of exchanging them. Maybe have everyone sit in a circle, holding one of the gifts. Play some Christmas music and have the kids pass around the gifts. When the music stops, whatever one they're holding they can give to their bunny!:)
TinysMom wrote:
Thanks so much for your comments. I really appreciate them a lot.

I think before I speak to the 4H leaders here, I will make up a tentative plan (month by month) of the topics I would like to cover - perhaps having a Christmas party where the bunnies can come (have to figure out how to keep the bucks away from the does) and they'd have a stocking of some homemade toys or something. I don't much to think about.

I may post some of the topic ideas here and get y'alls opinions once I think them through.
Your putting so much effort into this but some children Might breed there rabbits to other children's rabbits because they want babies without there parents permission, It is something I would think long and hard about before actually doing. Or maybe you could bring in some of your own and let the kids play with them?
I've seen a lot of kids make an inexpensive carrier from a small laundry basket (with a towel in it, and another small laundry basket tied to the top for a lid.

TinysMom wrote:
So this something overall that you would enjoy in a group? I'm thinking about taking a month or two in the springtime to work on rabbit hopping....and I thought I'd buy them leashes and halters or something.


And that's a great idea about working on rabbit hopping with them ;)

BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
TinysMom wrote:
So this something overall that you would enjoy in a group? I'm thinking about taking a month or two in the springtime to work on rabbit hopping....and I thought I'd buy them leashes and halters or something.


And that's a great idea about working on rabbit hopping with them ;)

You should contact the Canadian Rabbit Hopping Club. They started as a 4-H project (still is). They should have some info for you about it. You can probably just start with some simple jumps and if you like it, you can always build more jumps and other obstacles.
The rabbit hopping does give the kids something to do with their rabbits. Showing does not always give a great bond (although it can). The rabbit hopping can build the bond and get them to work with the rabbits.
Ours mostly follows the ARBA except for Pet Rabbit. The 4-H member can enter a neutered or spayed rabbit in the show where the ARBA does not allow them.
irishbunny wrote:
Your ideas sound amazing! I really wish we had something like that over here :(
The time will come when finally rabbit shows are introduced in Ireland, It is inevitable it's going to happen, Good in many ways and bad in alot more.
Here, they show rabbits just like ARBA (but with fewer participants, there are a lot of "other" breed rabbits, because you can't judge between 3 standard rexes). They also have showmanship and pet classes (for fixed rabbits, mixed breeds, non-ARBA breeds).

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